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Running the Program

To start the raytracer, from the project's exe directory enter the command:

The size and outputfile options must both be specified to be effective. If only one is given, then it is ignored and the defaults are used.

Executing the project command will bring up a Tk interface. This interface allows the user to interactively specify some of the lighting characteristics of the objects in the scene. The user can change the reflective, refractive, and transparency factors for the crystal ball, and the reflective factor for the table. As well, the user can specify the size of the output image and the file to save it to. All values have defaults which will be used if the user doesn't modify them.

To render the scene, the user need only press the Render button. This will cause the raytracer engine to draw the image, and then activate either xv3 or display to view the image, depending on the machine which the program is being run. When finished raytracing, the user can press the Quit button to exit the program.
Wed Aug 2 20:30:34 EDT 1995