Peter Olsar's Volume Shadows
My project is an implementation of a first-person 3D shooter game. The hallmark of my work is the implementation of volume shadows, the same kind used in the Doom 3 engine. Every object and wall in the game casts a shadow, with the exception of the player, with respect to up to two light sources. As a result, the hardware requirements of the game are quite steep. It runs fine on my machine, which has AMD Athlon 64 3400+ CPU, 1GB RAM, and ATI X800XT graphics card. I can't promise the program will run well if you have anything less than that. You can download a Windows executable and necessary data files and DLLs here. Below you can see a few sample images.
Other features of the game include:
- collision detection using bounding volumes
- basic enemy AI
- free-look user interface
Since I had only 2 weeks to work on it, the game can be improved in many ways. In particular, I didn't have time to work on the gameplay aspect, so right now the program is more of a shadow demo than a playable game. Many optimizations can also be performed to make it run faster.