Awesome Room
Mesh Texturing - Objective #3
Without Texture
With Texture
Reflection - Objective #1
Without Reflection
With Reflection with Ratio 0.3
Without Refraction
Refraction - Objective #2
With Refraction with 1.7 IOR
With Refraction and Reflection with 1.7 IOR and Fresnel
Soft Shadows and Area Lighting - Objective #4
Normal Shadows
ossynd 350x350 Area Lighting
Phong Interpolation Shading - Objective #5
Normal Shading
Phong Interpolation
Glossy Reflections - Objective #7
Normal Reflections
Glossy Reflections
Adaptive Antialiasing - Objective #6
No Anti-Aliasing
Adaptive Anti-Aliasing
Processing in Parallel - Objective #9
Final Scene - Objective #10