Scott Pigeau
CS488 Spring 2001

Objective 1: Additional primatives (cone and cylinder) are correctly rendered.


Objective 2: Mirror reflections have been accomplished for objects created without CSG operations.


Objective 3: Refraction (transparency) has been accomplished for objects created without CSG operations.


Objective 4: Texture-mapping has been accomplished for objects created without CSG operations.


Objective 5: Bump-mapping has been accomplished for objects created without CSG operations.



Objective 6: Efficiency is improved by using non-hierarchical bounding spheres to avoid unnecessary work.

Rendered WITHOUT Bounding Spheres Rendered WITH Bounding Spheres
real 0m22.011s
user 0m10.950s
sys 0m0.010s
real 0m5.210s
user 0m2.610s
sys 0m0.000s
86779 ray intersections were prevented

Objective NumberNumber of Ray Intersections
Prevented by Bounding Spheres
Objective 3950 735 191
Objective 4668 211 280
Objective 5950 735 829
Objective 10a1 424 273 505
Objective 10b965 842 559

Objective 7: CSG operations have been implemented for the basic primatives (spheres, boxes, cones and cylinders).

Objective 8: A cloud background texture is achieved using Perlin noise.

Objective 9: A fish-eye lens effect has been implemented to provide a 180 degree ray traced view.



Objective 10: An attractive scene has been completed that demonstrates several of the above features.