CS492/692 - Winter 2009 - Assignment 4

Recalling an Earlier Era of Computerization


The groups have been assigned. If there is a serious problem with a group member, please submit this form on March 11th.


Assignment 4 is due on March 11 at 9:30am. It is to be completed in groups of 4. Groups will be formed by the TA and instructor by February 23. The aim will be to balance both weaker and stronger students, within the groups. All students in the same group will receive the same grade. A form will be available to report students who do not contribute adequately to their group; these students will be appropriately penalized for their final grade, following an interview with the instructor.

Select a year or an interval of years at least 10 years ago (1999) where computers had already been introduced and where research papers were written to express concern about the impact of computers on society. You can freely choose your time interval -- one suggestion is to find a collection of papers written within a relatively short period of time (a few years), so reflecting a certain trend in the use of computers at the time.

Prepare a written report that includes the following components:

  1. a brief overview of the nature of computerization during your chosen time
  2. discussion of a particular concern about computerization that was prevalent at the time, according to the papers that you uncovered
  3. a reflection on whether the changes to computerization that have occurred since your chosen time have resulted in improvements or additional handicaps, for the concern selected as your focus in 2.
  4. a concluding session that includes lessons learned through your investigation of an earlier timeframe, of value to our functioning in our current timeframe

The report should be about 2500 words in length and is worth 10 marks. It should include a proper introduction and should offer a blend of opinion and research, including references. Groups are free to include some kind of appendix or tables in order to summarize some of their information.


The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with insights into times (not so long ago) when computerization was not quite as ingrained as it is today, so that students can investigate how we ended up in our current state and whether we have been creating new problems and roadblocks or predominantly have been offering increased opportunities and benefits to society.