CS 492/692 Unclassified Useful Links
These links have not been seriously investigated, and are here in no
particular order. It is up to you to determine their appropriateness
for your own uses. The list may change from time to time.
- PRIVACY Forum (WWW archive of a useful digest).
- RISKS Digest archives (from the Usenet newsgroup comp.risks).
- SIGCAS, the ACM Special Interest Group on Computers And Society.
- Home page of Peter G. Neumann, moderator of RISKS Digest; a good source of information on safety and reliability.
- Computers, Freedom, and Privacy 2000, a conference taking place in Toronto in April 2000.
- EDUCAUSE, an organization devoted to advancing the use of information technologies in education.
- Rob Kling's home page.
- NetFuture, an electronic newsletter critical of the deeper and subtler effects of technology on humans.
- Ethics and Law on the Electronic Frontier, a course taught at MIT.
- Howard Rheingold's Web site, including the entire text of the book "The Virtual Community" (1993), and lots of other stuff.
- Communications of the ACM, Vol 61 No 3, a special issue of CACM with a lot of relevant articles.