Our two topics this week are a) Gender balance and marginalization (Jun 29) and b) Video games (Jun 27). We are all together on both dates.
On the topic Gender Balance, we will have a Gender Balance workshop. I will organize the class into small groups for consultation and discussion before bringing us all together to hear opinions.
A very brief summary of key points from the readings are below. For the most part, the readings may inspire you to react in certain ways during the workshop. Some papers mention a downturn in popularity of CS to women at one point in time. Some efforts have been made with first year CS. Increasing attendance at the Grace Hopper event each year has helped. Effort has been made as well to encourage those majoring in other subjects to explore the intersection with CS. There are real issues with retention of women in CS, however. We can target girls and industry can step up its efforts to make the workplace more accepting. I point out as well: UW has had a more general HeforShe promotion recently. You may or may not have noticed it.
Gender Balance Workshop:
We will toss out a series of questions to reflect upon. Readings are only very modest
"food for thought". Draw on personal experiences and try to "think outside
the box".
Other Underrepresented Groups in CS
Other subgroups of society face challenges in joining the ranks of computer
scientists. I will open this topic up for discussion as well.
You can choose to comment on any community whom you feel is underrepresented.
At my end I can mention: I have attended the W4A (Web for All) conference
which promotes accessibility on computers (a group of blind
computer scientists attended, for instance), I have recently seen
broadcasts from black computer scientists with reactions to ACM's
efforts on equality, and students in CS492 the last two times I taught talked about
events organized each year from the LGBTQ community of computer scientists.
We can discuss what we might be able to do in order to continue to encourage
an inclusive environment in computer science.
There are two readings on marginalization this week: one that discusses racial imbalance and the other that informs you of efforts to provide support to LGBTQ computer scientists.