CS 492/692 - Spring 2022 - Instructions for Handing In Assignments

Please Read

This page describes how Assigments will be handed in and handed back to students during Spring 2022. In other terms, this was all done in hardcopy. This term, we will be using LEARN and its Dropboxes.

PLEASE NOTE: the ONLY usage of LEARN for this course will be for Assignment submission and return. None of the other possible functionalities of LEARN will be used. No one in our teaching team will be monitoring other LEARN features.

Any questions about assignments are to be sent as email, directed to me and to the head TA Gaurav (regardless of your section) as spelled out in the Communications section of the Structure webpage for this course.

Assignments have strict due dates, shown per the Eastern time zone (Waterloo's time). On or before an assignment's due date students should select the appropriate Dropbox on LEARN (e.g. to hand in Assignment 1, select the A1 Dropbox). NOTE: If the submission date for your assignment is past the due date, you should expect a grade of zero (even if the Dropbox has not shut down). The boxes may remain open a bit longer only to handle students with truly exceptional circumstances, who MUST contact us and explain.

For each assignment, we ask that you upload pdf and you can only have one submission attached to your name. While you can replace this ONE file before the due date, only the last copy that you upload will be viewed and graded. Comments on the Assignment will be returned to you and a grade will eventually appear on LEARN for this assignment (after a period of time, not immediately).

Although I typically am not very particular about how you choose to typeset your essays, I will ask this year that the essays be single-spaced, so consuming a modest number of pages in total. Remember that you are being asked to upload PDFs, as well.

Note that the grades for Class Participation, A5 and A6 are only determined after our last class is over, late into the month of August. We typically post to the newsgroup when these are all being handed back.

One of our assignments is somewhat different and merits an explanation. A2 asks each student to complete a specific sheet of questions. That sheet will be posted to our website on the Handouts page. Students will be asked to provide responses to the questions as a PDF submitted to the A2 Dropbox under their name. We will ask you to imagine writing in the space provided, in order to estimate how long your responses should be. While there won't be a strict limit, please respect the spirit of the assignment. Offer more than a few words but please do not overdo it. Assignment 5B only counts towards your Class participation grade. The sheet for this will also be provided on the Handouts page on the date indicated in our Timetable.

Note that TAs assist with the grading of A5 and they may have a few brief requests with respect to layout and spacing of essays, which will be conveyed closer to the due date.

Note that Role Playing Exercise submissions are not uploaded on LEARN but are instead posted in the appropriate folder on Piazza. TAs will provide feedback using email; LEARN will reveal the grade only at the end of term (when all RPEs are done and can be compared).

Note that A4 is completed in groups of 5. While all group members should have a copy of the final version of their group's assignment, we ask the group to designate ONE member to upload the pdf to their dropbox, while all remaining members must submit a tiny pdf file which clarifies which member of their group has uploaded their assignment.

For all assignments, please make sure that your name and Section (830 or 930) are clearly indicated on the first page of the submission.