CS 492 - Winter 2024 - Assignment 2

Bill C-11 and C-18


Assignment 2 should be roughly 1000 words in length and is worth 10 marks. Please submit to the LEARN dropbox in pdf format and include a title page with your name and student id.

Technology has grown substantially over the last several decades. Some laws that were created decades ago are out of date and need to be amended and updated to reflect the growing changes in technology.

Two particularly interesting charters in the Canadian legislature that have made recent headlines are Bill C-11: An Act to amend the Broadcasting Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts and Bill C-18: An Act respecting online communications platforms that make news content available to persons in Canada<

Consider exactly one of the above pieces of legislature, discuss what the legislature entails and critique the proposed changes to the pieces of legislature. You should provide commentary of both positives and negatives changes of the legislature and you should inject your thoughts on what you think of the proposed changes.

If you would like to consider another piece of legislature, please send your instructor an email to discuss the appropriateness of your proposal no later than 1 week prior to the deadline.

Your essay should have a title and it should be largely self contained; that is, please explain the context and any assumptions needed to understand the points you are making. Provide bibliographic information (references) if needed.


The purpose of the essay is to discuss some of the political changes occurring to keep up with the speed of technological advancements.