CS 492 - Winter 2025 - Assignment 2

Ethics and Tech


Assignment 2 is due on Friday Feb 14th. It should be approx. 1000 - 1250 words in length. Please submit in pdf format and include a title page with your name and student id.

Briefly describe, in about a page or two, the most important / significant parts of the ACM (or IEEE CS) code of ethics. Then briefly describe, in your opinion, the ethical standards according to which computing professionals should behave. Comment on how your ethics match or differ from those of the ACM and/or the IEEE Computing Society code. Do you think your ethics match well with the actual behaviour of tech professionals and tech companies?

Your essay should have a title and it should be largely self contained; that is, please explain the context and any assumptions needed to understand the points you are making. Provide bibliographic information as needed.


The purpose of the essay is to discuss the role that ethics play in the lives of computing professionals.