Assignment 3 is due on Friday, March 10th, AOE. It should be roughly 1000 words in length.
Now, essentially post pandemic, it is a fact that computer technology has enabled many changes to the North American workplace, by allowing easier, faster communication, sharing of information, both asynchronous and synchronous work schedules, inperson, remote and hybrid workspaces, virtual meeting spaces, globalization of production and sales, etc. While initially, the focus on high tech solutions were seen as a necessity to protect peoples health, more recent workplace, and work place culture changes have been driven more by business decisions. Comment on the positive and negative aspects of these tech driven changes to work place environments, and the related changes to the culture of the work places. What work place changes, driven by or in reaction to technology use, do you see as permanent? Which are positive? Are work relationships changing (between employees? between contractors? between management and gig workers and/or employees? between clients and businesses?)? Are the changes positive? negative?
Describe one change to the workplace enabled, caused, or in reaction to computing technology that has been, in your opinion, a very positive change. Describe the change; is it positive from the workers' perspecitive? Companies' perspective? Share holders' perspective?
Similarly, describe a workplace change (maybe the same change) enabled or caused by technology that has had negative effects, in your opinion. Describe the change; explain from which, or whose, perspective the change is seen negatively.
Give a conclusion to your essay that compares and contrasts the positive and negative perspectives.
Your essay should have a title and it should be largely self contained; that is, please explain the context and any assumptions needed to understand the points you are making. Provide bibliographic information (references) if needed.
The purpose of the essay is to discuss some of the societal changes engendered by the use of computing technology in the work environments of North Americans.