Team AA group of educators, local, provincial and federal government officials (from the Ministry of Education, Public Infrastructure, Public Health Networks, etc.) and citizen activists who want to ensure that publically provisioned and financed digital communication infrastructure (such as that needed for Internet access) meets minimum service standards and is available to (almost) all Canadian citizens and residents. This group notes that citizens/residents use communication technology to access educational and health services, as well as business markets and services. They want the government to ensure that all have standardized and roughly uniform access to these services. The group compares the need for such standardized infrastructure with the need for publicly available and standardized road networks across Canada.
Team BA group of business leaders and other members of the tech sector who believe that communication technology development and deployment is best left to the business and technology private sector. The private sector has provided jobs, developed services and increased availability of service for all residents of Canada. Furthermore, the group believes government interference will cause delays, increase costs, and add unneeded regulation in developing and deploying new communication technology and services.