
One of the limitations of the Half-Edge data structure is that it can only support 2-Manifold surfaces.  At first I didn't really pay too much attention to this restriuction.  However, when I started loading in Wavefront .obj models I found that a LOT of these models are NOT 2-Manifold.  This caused my program to fail miserably.  In order for me to subdivide these models I had to hack the data and remove all offending faces.  This solved the problem in most cases but in some caused the model to have strange artifacts.  All the models in the "complex" area are "fixed" in this way

  • Models that demonstrates subdivision along the boundaries.  Note Peters subdivision is NOT used on these models since it doesn't have any boundary rules.
  • Relatively large models that are publically available from the Avalon archive.  These models were originally non 2-Manifold and had to be "fixed"
  • Simple, smaller models
  • Custom model created by hand.

Observations :