CS785 Intelligent Computer Interfaces - Spring 2016 Prof. Robin Cohen
TIME: MWF 1030-1220 - DC2568
** Note: we will only be using some of the hours and some of the weeks **
Overview of Course
This course provides an overview of several subtopics in Artificial Intelligence united under the theme of Intelligent Computer Interfaces. The first half ot the course is focused on Intelligent Interaction, beginning with roots in Natural Language Processing and then progressing to a discussion of Plan Recognition, Discourse, Natural Language Generation, User Modeling and Intelligent Agents. The second half of the course is focused on various Artificial Intelligence Applications for which interface issues arise, namely Multiagent Systems, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Case-Based Reasoning and Knowledge-Based Systems, Information Retrieval and Datamining. Each part of the course includes lectures that provide the backdrop and historical perspective and paper presentations from students which introduce important current research in the subfield. Background in artificial intelligence is recommended but not mandatory. Maximum class size is 12. |
** Schedule (2 hour slots) **
May 2 Introduction to course; Introduction to Natural Language
May 6 Introduction to Natural Language (continued); Plan Recognition
May 9 Discourse
May 11 Natural Language Generation (first half paper presentations sorted)
May 13 User Modeling, Intelligent Agents
May 16 Multiagent Systems, Part I
May 18 Guest lecturer on Statistical NLP
May 20 Presentations by students
May 25 Presentations by students
May 27 Presentations by students; software exercises out
May 30 Multiagent Systems, Part II (second half paper presentations sorted)
Jun 1 Case-Based Reasoning; Data Mining; Intelligent Information Retrieval
Jun 3 Knowledge-Based Systems (includes Guest Speaker); Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Jun 6 Presentations by students
Jun 8 Presentations by students
Jun 10 Presentations by students
Jun 13 (no class) Software exercises due
Jul 18 Project presentations by students
Jul 20 Project presentations by students
Jul 22 Project presentations by students; course wrap-up
Jul 25 (no class) Final projects due
total hours: 38 (roughly same as 13 weeks x 3 hours per week)
* Paper presentation (15 minutes) and Handout (one page point form summary) in each of the first and second half worth
10 marks each = 40 marks
Look here for first half papers
and second half papers.
* Software exercises (acting as a user for some specific software chosen by the instructor, responding to questions about the software) 10 marks
* Project presentation (15 minute overview of final project) 10 marks
* Final project (10 page (approx. 5000 words) writeup including analysis of existing work and proposal of original work) 40 marks
Due Dates
Presentations: as scheduled, above; handout due in class when presenting (bring enough copies to distribute to the entire class)
Software Exercises: June 13
Project Proposal: June 24 (1 or 2 paragraphs max., to get approval for final project topic; handed in to my departmental mailbox any time up to this date; not graded)
Project: July 25
For problems or questions regarding this site contact: cs785 at student.cs.uwaterloo.ca
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