CS785 Intelligent Computer Interfaces

Spring 2016


List of papers for presentation: second half of the course

  1. Multiagent Systems Part I

    1. K. Wray and B. Thompson; A distributed communication architectue for dynamic multiagent systems;
      Proceedings of AAAI 2014 workshop on multiagent interaction; 2014

    2. J. Sleight and E. Durfee; Selectively Injecting Organizational Influences into
      Decision-Making Agents;
      Proceedings of COIN workshop at AAMAS 2012

    3. E. Jensen et al.; Communication-restricted exploration for robot teams;
      Proceedings of AAAI 2014 workshop on multiagent interaction; 2014
      http://mipc.inf.ed.ac.uk/2014/#p apers

    4. J. Hao et al.; Reinforcement social learning of coordination in networked cooperative multiagent systems;
      Proceedings of AAAI 2014 workshop Multiagent interaction; 2014

    5. N. Agmon et al.; Modeling uncertainty in leading ad hoc teams;
      Proceedings of AAMAS 2014 workshop on Multiagent interaction; 2014

    6. S. Liemhetcharat and M. Veloso; Modeling and learning synergy for team formation with heterogenous agents;
      Proceedings of AAMAS 2012; 2012

    7. K. Bogert and P. Doshi; Toward Estimating Others' Transition Models Under Occlusion for Multi-Robot IRL;
      Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015

    8. R. Brafman.; A privacy preserving algorithm for multi agent planning and search;
      Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015

    9. M. Baldoni et al.; Composing and verifying committent-based multiagent protocols;
      Proceedings of ICJAI 2015; 2015

    10. L. Marcolino et al.; Give a hard problem to a diverse team: exploring large action spaces;
      Proceedings of AAAI 2014; 2014

  2. Multiagent Systems Part II (auctions and e-commerce)

    1. J. Oren et al; Efficient vote elicitation under candidate uncertainty;
      Proceedings of IJCAI 2013; 2013

    2. N. Nguyen et al.; Strategy-Proofness of scoring allocation correspondence for indivisible goods;
      Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015

    3. Z. Wang and P. Tang; Optimal mechanism design for partially rational bidders;
      Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015

    4. A. Bolcan et al.; Learning cooperative games;
      Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015

    5. H. Xu et al.; Security games with information leakage: modeling and computation;
      Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015

    6. Y. Luo and P. Tang; Mechanism design and implementation for lung exchange;
      Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015

    7. C. Wang et al.; Selling reserved instances in cloud computing;
      Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015

    8. S. Branzei et al.; An algorithmic framework for strategic fair division;
      Proceedings of AAAI 2016

    9. C. Kroer and T. Sandholm; Limited lookahead in incomplete information games;
      Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015

    10. M. Brill and V. Conitzer; Strategic voting and strategic candidacy;
      Proceedings of AAAI 2015; 2015

  3. Data Mining

    1. Z. Lu et al; Social image parsing by cross-model data refinement;
      Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015

    2. M. Liu et al.; A clustering algorithm for massive amount of texts;
      Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015

    3. C. Wong and L. Cao; Medical synonym extraction with concept space models;
      Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015

    4. Q. Liu et al.; Automated rule selection for aspect extraction in opinion mining;
      Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015

    5. M. Khan et al.; Exploring personalized command recommendations based on information found in web documentation;
      Proceedings of IUI 2015; 2015

    6. A. Costa et al.; RSC: Mining and modeling temporal activity in social media;
      Proceedings of KDD 2015; 2015

  4. Intelligent Information Retrieval

    1. A. Singla et al.; Information gathering in networks via active exploration;
      Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015

    2. P. Sczeparski et al.; The game-theoretic interaction index on social networks with application to link prediction and community detection;
      Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015

    3. C. Yang et al.; Network representation learning with rich text information;
      Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015

    4. J. Liu et al.; Representing documents via latent keyphrase inference;
      Proceedings of WWW 2016; 2016

    5. Q. Liu et al.; Web page classification based on uncorrelated semi-supervised intra-view and inter-voew manifold discriminant feature extraction;
      Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015

    6. C. Li and Y. Liu; Joint POS tagging and text normalization for informal text;
      Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015

    7. D. Palguna et al.; Analysis of sampling algorithms for Twitter;
      Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015

    8. A. Schultz et al.; Small-scale incident detection based on microposts;
      Proceedings of Hypertext 2015; 2015

  5. Case-Based Reasoning and Knowledge Bases

    1. Q. Wang and B. Wang; Knowledge base completion using embeddings and rules;
      Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015

    2. M. Samadai et al.; AskWorld: Budget-sensitive query evaluation for knowledge-on-demand;
      Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015

    3. D. Miryenka et al.; Bootstrapping domain ontologies from Wikipedia: a uniform approach;
      Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015

    4. M. Alam et al.; Mining definitions from RDF annotations using formal concept analysis;
      Procedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015

    5. R. Platon et al.; CBR model for predicting a building's electricity use: on-line implementation in the absence of historical data;
      Proceedings of ICCBR 2015; 2015

    6. S. Vattam and D. Aha; Case-based plan recognition under imperfect observability;
      Proceedings of ICCBR 2015; 2015

    7. A. Abdel-Aziz and E. Huellermeier; Case base maintenance in preference-based CBR;
      Proceedings of ICCBR 2015; 2015

    8. V. Jalali and D. Leake; CBR meets big data: a case study of large-scale adaptation rule generation;
      Proceedings of ICCBR 2015; 2015

  6. Intelligent Tutoring

    1. D. Joyner and A. Goel; Improving inquiry-driven modeling in science education through interaction with intelligent tutoring agents;
      Proceedings of IUI 2015; 2015

    2. A. Carbonara et al.; Incentivizing peer grading in MOOCs: an audit game approach;
      Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015

    3. A. Smith et al.; Diagrammatic student models: modeling student drawing performance with deep learning;
      Proceedings of UMAP 2015; 2015

    4. M. Streeter; Mixture modeling of individual learning curves;
      Proceedings of Educational Data Mining (EDM) 2015; 2015

    5. Y. Jiang et al.; Comparing novice and experienced students within virtual performance assessments;
      Proceedings of Educational Data Mining (EDM) 2015; 2015

    6. A. Vail et al.; The Mars and Venus effect: the influence of user gender on the effectiveness of adaptive task support;
      Proceedings of UMAP 2015; 2015



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Last Updated:  29-Apr-16