List of papers for presentation: second half of the course
Multiagent Systems Part I
K. Wray and B. Thompson;
A distributed communication architectue for dynamic multiagent systems;
Proceedings of AAAI 2014 workshop on multiagent interaction; 2014
E. Jensen et al.;
Communication-restricted exploration for robot teams;
Proceedings of AAAI 2014 workshop on multiagent interaction; 2014
N. Agmon et al.;
Modeling uncertainty in leading ad hoc teams;
Proceedings of AAMAS 2014 workshop on Multiagent interaction; 2014 http:///
S. Liemhetcharat and M. Veloso;
Modeling and learning synergy for team formation with heterogenous agents;
Proceedings of AAMAS 2012; 2012 http:///
P. Sczeparski et al.;
The game-theoretic interaction index on social networks with
application to link prediction and community detection;
Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015
Q. Liu et al.;
Web page classification based on uncorrelated semi-supervised
intra-view and inter-voew manifold discriminant feature extraction;
Proceedings of IJCAI 2015; 2015
R. Platon et al.;
CBR model for predicting a building's electricity use: on-line
implementation in the absence of historical data;
Proceedings of ICCBR 2015; 2015
V. Jalali and D. Leake;
CBR meets big data: a case study of large-scale adaptation rule generation;
Proceedings of ICCBR 2015; 2015
Intelligent Tutoring
D. Joyner and A. Goel;
Improving inquiry-driven modeling in science education through
interaction with intelligent tutoring agents;
Proceedings of IUI 2015; 2015 http:///
M. Streeter;
Mixture modeling of individual learning curves;
Proceedings of Educational Data Mining (EDM) 2015; 2015
Y. Jiang et al.;
Comparing novice and experienced students within virtual performance assessments;
Proceedings of Educational Data Mining (EDM) 2015; 2015