CS 860: Advanced Topics in Algorithms and Complexity
Fall 2008: Randomness and Complexity

Schedule of Lectures

The future remains uncertain; history may contain mistakes. Caveat lector.
Sept. 9–18:
Background in computational complexity
Space-bounded computations

Sept. 23
Daniel Ivan presented Sipser's paper, a non-trivial use of expander graphs in computational complexity.

Sept. 25
Background in algebra and combinatorics

Sept. 30, Oct. 1
Sergei Savinov presented Impagliazzo and Zuckerman's paper discussing the number of random bits needed to get good error rates.

Oct. 7, 9
Jalaj Upadhyay will present Nisan and Wigderson's pseudo-random generators.

Oct. 14, 16
Jakub Truszkowski will present a nice recursive construction of good expander graphs.

Oct. 21, 23
Gus Gutowski will present Reingold's algorithm to test connectivity of undirected graphs in log space.

Oct. 28, 30
Someone may present Dinur's simplification of the original (horrendously long) proof that some NP problems are NP-hard to approximate. Or we may decide that the simplification is still too hard to present in one week. Check this space for updates.

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On 10 Sep 2008, 14:34.