CS886 - Fall 2017 - AI and Philosophy - Background Readings

Below are some references used as the backdrop for my introductory
lectures in the course. I am discussing social welfare utility
functions and norms in multiagent systems as my example of AI concepts
which may be adjusted due to theories of philosophers. The paper by Rossi
below (Moral preferences) is the backdrop for the Group Project.

Multiagent systems and social choice

(*) Y. Chevalyre et al.;
Issues in Multiagent Resource Allocation;
Informatica Vol. 30 No. 1; 2006.
(social welfare functions described in Section 5)
(we will be examining only a small subset of this paper)

Moral preferences

(**) F. Rossi;
Moral preferences;
IJCAI 2016 workshop on Ethics of AI; 2016.

Introduction to Norms and Normative Multiagent Systems

(*) F. Lopez et al.;
A normative framework for agent-based sytems;
Computational and mathematical organization theory Vol 12 Iss 2-3; 2006.

(*) G. Boella et al.;
Introduction to normative multiagent systems;
Computational and mathematical organization theory Vol 12 Iss 2-3; 2006.

The following textbooks may help to introduce AI and Multiagent Systems:

Multiagent Systems, G. Weiss ed.; MIT Press; 2013.
Multiagent Systems, Y. Shoham and K. Leyton-Brown; Cambridge U Press; 2009.
An Introduction to Multiagent Systems; M. Wooldridge; Wiley and Sons; 2009.
Artificial Intelligence, S. Russell and P. Norvig; Pearson Editors; 2010.

For those students interested in pursuing social welfare, social choice,
preferences and norms further in their projects, I provide some additional
sources that may be useful, below. This topic area is one which a number
of philosophers' theories are relevant. Students are welcome to focus on
other subtopics within Artificial Intelligence, if they prefer. For
example, there is already a rich history of AIers inspired by philosophers
for the topics of Natural language pragmatics (e.g. John Searle influencing
Cohen, Perrault and Allen), Shared plans (e.g. Michael Bratman influencing
Grosz and Sidner, Pollack and Israel) and Knowledge representation
(e.g. deontic logic and philosophers such as Quine, Hintikka, Kripke 
influencing McCarthy, Levesque, Reiter and Dignum). Guest speaker
Paul Thagard, talking to the class on Nov 6, may have other suggestions.

Social welfare, social choice and preferences

   F. Brandt et al;
Introduction to computational social choice;
in Handbook of Computational Social Choice; 2016.

   J. Doucette;
Social choice for partial preferences using imputation;
University of Waterloo PhD thesis; 2016.
(Chapter 2 on Background provides a good introduction to social choice)

  Y. Chevalyre et al;
A short introduction to computational social choice.
SOFSEM 2007; 2007.

   K. Arrow;
A difficulty in the concept of social welfare;
Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 58 No, 4; 1950.
(One of the original inspirations, from an Economist)

   J. Goldsmith and U. Junker;
Preference Handling for Artificial Intelligence;
AI Magazine Vol 29 No 4; 2008.

   C. Domshlak et al.;
Preferences in AI: An Overview;
Artificial intelligence Vol 175 Issue 7-8; 2011.

   J. Greene et al;
Embedding ethical principles in collective decision support systems;
Proceedings of AAAI 2016; 2016.


    M. Singh;
Norms as the basis for governing sociotechnical systems;
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems Vol 5 Issue 1; 2013.

    G. Boella and L. van der Torre;
Regulative and constitutive norms in normative multiagent systems;
Proceedings of KR 2004; 2004.