CS898 - Winter 2017 - Technological Solutions to Social Problems of Computers Group Projects on the Four Topics (Cyberbullying, Social Media Improvement, Gender Imbalance, Digital Divide) For each of the four course Topics, students work in groups to complete a written project and an oral presentation, with the following requirements: Written project - on the order of 8 pages (4000) words - each group member must contribute to the content and/or the writing - must cover all of: description of proposed solution, defense of the proposed solution, background reading: description and analysis, conclusions - graded on the basis of: readability, coherence, creativity, depth, ability to analyze and to think - same grade for all group members Oral presentation - 10 minutes - each group member must speak - provides an overview of the proposed solution, to be followed by discussion with the class - results in a weak, good or excellent grade which adjusts the grade on the written project downwards or upwards by a small factor or has it remain the same Our intention is to cycle through the permuations of groupings in the class to have students paired with different groupmates, each time (as much as this is possible, with the final number of students in the course). Groups will be formed by instructor. Groups will be of size 3 or 4, depending on the size of class (e.g. of size 3 for a class of 9; of size 4 for a class of 16 (the maximum class size)).