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The set up of environment variable for lynx (5 minutes)

An environment variable has to be set before one can use lynx for reading newsgroups. As a part of assignment 0 you have to set another environment variable in order to use applications needed for cs241 course. More detailed discussion of environment variables is in lab 2.

The command for setting environment variable is called setenv and must be placed in the file .cshrc. This is the first file executed when you log in. It is located in your home directory and you may get to it by typing:


Then open .cshrc by typing

vi .cshrc

and what you see is a shell program. Shell will be discussed in next two labs.

Find the block with setenv where other environment variables are defined and move the cursor to that block. Pressing 'o' will add a new line and switch into editing mode. Now type the comment line:

# Used by lynx to read news.

And the command itself:


After the editing is done, press ESC to switch into command mode and type:


to save the file and quit editor.

In case you made errors, quit without saving the changes using


and repeat the above procedure correctly.

To execute .cshrc you must log out and log in again.

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Instructional Support Group 2008-08-05