SE101 Intellego Instructions
Required Software:
To use the Intellego 2.0 application you must have the software listed below installed:
(These three items should already be installed in the WEEF lab. They should also be available on the engineering drive for you to install on your personal computer if you desire to work at home or on your laptop.)
Intellego 2.0 Setup:
In order to set-up the simulation and communication application:
1.) locate the setup MS-Dos Batch file located in the util folder in Intellego 2.0
2.) right click the file and select edit from the menu
3.) set INTELLEGO_HOME= to the absolute path detailing the location of the Intellego 2.0 folder on the computer
4.) set LEJOS_HOME= to the absolute path detailing the location of the Lejos folder on the computer
5.) set JAVA_HOME= to the absolute path detailing the location of the Java folder on the computer
6.) save the updated file and close it
7.) locate the Intellego_2.0 MS-Dos Batch file located in theIntellego_2.0 folder
8.) right click the file and select edit from the menu
9.) Modify line 17 to set RCXTTY=USB
10.) save the updated file and close it
Executing Intellego 2.0:
To run the simulator, double-click the Intellego_2_0 MS-Dos Batch file in the main Intellego 2.0 folder. The java compiler specified in step 5 will compile the Intellego java files. After compilation, Intellego is launched automatically and ready to use.
Using the Simulator:
To use the simulator, you need two objects: a world (SimWorld), and a robot (Controller).
The SimWorld is a compiled java program (.class) and it will be given to you. The Controllers are also compiled java files, but these ones are written by you.
You can use any compiler that you want, but we recommend the Intellego version (See next section).
Once you are in Intellego, click on Tools, then on Simulator. From the Controls menu, you can open SimWorlds and Controllers. Make sure that your .java and .class files are in the Intellego folder, under subfolders simworlds and controllers. When adding a controller, a pop-up window will ask you about light sensor properties. For now, just click OK.
Once a robot is on the map, you can drag and drop it, and rotate it. You can add multiple robots at the same time. From the Controls menu, you can start and stop the simulation. The robot *should* do the same as the physical robot will do.
Using the Real Robot:
Once you are in Intellego, click on Tools, then on Code Editor. From the File menu, you can open, edit, and save text files (including .java). From the leJOS menu, you can compile and upload your code to the robot.
Upon compilation, a pop-up window will indicate if your code contains any errors.
To upload you code to the robot, make sure that the USB IR sender is plugged-in and in front of your robot. Make sure that the robot is ON and not running. When you click Link & Upload, Intellego will compile first. If both IR receivers can communicate together, you will see the upload progress on the LCD screen of the RCX (the robot's brain). When the upload is finished, the robot will beep twice. You will also see the progression in Intellego (do not worry if Intellego freezes while uploading: it's a good sign).
At this point, your whole program is saved in the robot. You do not need the IR sender anymore.
To run the program, click the green Run button. To stop, hold Run and press On-Off.
These robots were purchased in part with funds from engineering students. If we break them, WE pay for them. Use your head; make sure they don't fall off the desks.
Tips & Hints
- Always use the same robot. Different ones have more or less friction. Pick a good name for your robot and talk to it before a race.
- When you have to make an important design decision, code all the possibilites in different Java files (ex:,, etc). Compile the files one by one, and add robots to the SimWorld where where each robot is controlled by one of the Java files. Watch the simulation go and compare the different controllers. Record as many details as you can to include in your design report.
- Use many constants. It is usually bad practice to hard-code numbers and strings within your code, except at the beginning of your program.
- Plan a lot of time for integration. Most of you have never worked in teams larger than a pair; you will be amazed by how much time is necessary to coordinate the work of 10 people.
- Start working after scheduled lab time as soon as you can. You will be less stressed, think better, and professors and TA's will have more time to help you.
- You are not to alter the hardware. That is, you cannot move/rotate/change/add/remove any Lego bricks on your robot. If you do, you might spend some valuable time debugging weird behaviours, and you will need to undo your changes for the demonstration.
This page is a modification of the Intellego README.html. Modified by Benoit Larochelle on September 17, 2004. Last updated September 30, 2004