SE101 Team Contract

This contract was written by an SE student for SE students. It was created to help teams work better, not to add additional stress.  It is essentially a promise to your teammates that you will be an effective team member.

1)     I will make an effort to get to know my teammates better; I will not isolate anyone because he or she has a different background.

2)     I will go to all team meetings prepared and on time.

3)     I will do my fair share of the project work.

4)     If I understand more than my partners, I will take the time to teach them and I will not do everything myself. If I understand less than my partners, I will seek help and will not let my partners do all the work.

5)     I will not force my ideas on my partners nor discount theirs offhand. Even unused ideas help to trigger new, useful ideas.

6)     I will work with my team to establish a reasonable schedule that fits everyone’s work habits and planned absences.  I will complete my share of the work within the deadlines of this schedule.

I have read and understand this contract. I will adhere to these requirements at all times and will expect my teammates to do the same.  I understand that if I do not adhere to this contract, that I may be “fired” from my team and may receive a grade of zero for the design project.

Name: _________________________________________________

Signature: ______________________________________________

Date: __________________________________________________


University of Waterloo. Software Engineering.                                              23/09/2004