- A balanced match can mean anything - Ignore questions and use random selection - Use a "learning" algorithm (meaning first random data let's say from Facebook and then get feedback and then improve) - need a feedback mechanism ( use surveys ask user to rate a person after they conversed or something ) - Limitation on the number of matches? - Use a criteria selection matrix and give weights to each questions - Maximum distance (use gps/postal code etc) - Pictures combined with face recognition (show you photos of people you liked on facebook or something..ooo this is kinda sketchy) - Limit to the size of party mode? - What mandatory fields when signing up? I.e. Incomplete forms should be allowed or disallowed etc - Use Data Minings on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other social media platforms to make matching more meaningful and find out new patters as to what a kind of person likes. (Smells like Machine Learning) - Horoscopes as patterns? - Allowing multiple answers to each column of each questions - Enter their own "new" questions in the questionnaire. ( after the first round may link back to feedback mechanism ) - No match to self - Allow Matched couples to see if they agree to share the answers to the questionnaire "Algorithm should be question content independent" No clue what it means...... maybe content independence has some exceptions.