Each group's questions are together in the order that it sent them, but the order of the groups is random. :::::::::::::: Some Random Group's Questions :::::::::::::: What term in the vision document need further explanation? What sentence is not clear, and what do you think it means? What do you think is missing from the vison document? What do you think is extra in the vison document? For dating mode, how long should the users wait for us to find a match for them? Is it ok to inform users with e-mail that we!/ve found a match for them? Or would you like some other method of communication? If emails are sent to a pair, but one or both don!/t reply, would you want us to put them back into our database? And for how long should they wait for the reply until we put them back into the database? What personal information do you think we should provide to each other through the first email? Do the users want to be able to change their questionnaires while we are trying to find a match for them? Do the users want us to keep their information and questionnaire in our database even after they have found a match, so that it is convenient for them next time using? :::::::::::::: Some Random Group's Questions :::::::::::::: 1. What's our target market; audience? a. Is this application only for college campuses? Would we like to expand to our areas, if allowed? 2. Is this app to be used in Canada, the States, North America, Worldwide? a. If more than one country, do we still use zip code/ postal code? 1. How large is the radius for the zip code/ postal code? 2. Is the radius of the zip/postal code based on a zip/postal code provided (a home location), the phone's/laptop's current location, or a location you can select? Is geolocation an option? b. Do we want to ask for the population of their city and/or where they grew up? 1. Local matches based on distance only? 3. Define "party". Do participants get matched from a pool to go on a blind date? Or is there a local setup where all participants gather after a match (closer to the definition of the word "party"; a round-robin blind date)? 4. How many people are we hoping to capture (scalability of the application in the future)? Hundred thousand? Millions? 5. Do we create our own questionnaires, or are we to use the 3 questionnaires from the previous Matchmaker application? a. If we can not create our own, can we expand the previous questionnaires? 6. What is the minimum and the maximum number of questions to ask? a. Do we ask the same questions twice (once for the user and once for their ideal date)? 7. Will questionnaires change in the future? a. What about older, completed questionnaires - will we need to ask people to redo them? b. How would the matching algorithm change based on new questions? 8. Should we still include race and/or preference to a particular race? a. If so, what race options should we have? 9. How many unique gender identities do we portray: male, female, gender fluid, gender neutral, transexual etc. a. Do we ask for sex and gender, or both? 10. Do we care about political affiliation for the user and that of the person they want to be matched with? a. If so how specific (left wing, left leaning, neutral, right leaning, right wing vs. conservative, liberal, NDP, green, communist, independent, neutral, no opinion etc.)? 11. Do we allow religious choices for themselves and their ideal date? a. If so which ones? 12. Which sexual preference/ romantic orientation options do we have (heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual)? 13. Do we have the same sexual preference/ romantic orientation options for party mode? a. If not, which ones do we use for party mode? 14. Should there still be a math/art/psychology test even though they're not studied to be useful? 15. Should we have educational history options (high school, bachelors, etc.)? 16. For the interests list do we use a pre-created list or make it free form and word match? 17. Do we want to ask for averages from school? 18. What are the age ranges we want to use? 19. Do we show pictures and interactive items in the questionnaire (movies/clips etc.)? 20. What about requirements that aren't captured through the questionnaire (we obviously can't ask their whole life story)? a. Should we include a small "bio" snippet that would be taken into account (like LavaLife Fast Facts)? 21. Once someone is matched (in either dating or party mode), can they see the responses of their match? 22. For multiple matches, are clients allowed to choose their best match? Or should the algorithm be greedy and try to match all possible candidates? a. How accurate should matches be (what's the lowest rate a match should be for it to be considered)? 23. What contact information do we provide the participants in a given match? a. Do we collect that information during the sign-up process? 24. Do we establish user profiles for the app, or will users only be allowed to fill out questionnaires (with nothing accessible afterwards)? a. Can users change their questionnaire after filling it out and submitting it? 25. If user have profiles, can they view another profile to gather more info about their match (in order to get to know each other a little bit before first date)? 26. Should we add the ability to merge (sign-up) with social media accounts? a. If yes, then which ones (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc.)? b. What information can we use from said social media accounts: 1. pictures? 2. likes? 3. following/followers? 4. work history? c. Should we incorporate mutual friends in our matching algorithm, if available? d. Do we offer messaging capabilities for a match (ex. Tinder, Messenger)? 27. Will we implement a ToS or Privacy Policy for the information we collect? a. Will this information be public? b. If not, what do we disclose and what don't we? 28. How do we limit matches (x overall, x per day)? 29. How long do we keep the information to keep matching before it gets archived or deleted? 30. Do we have a method for the user to stop being matched after a while (ex. they got matched with someone and want to temporarily turn off matches)? 31. How would we handle past matches that were unsuccessful? 32. If someone doesn't get a match in time - does he/she get refunded? Or can he extend his waiting time for match? Is that free or extra charged? 33. If we allow for multiple romantic orientation options in party mode, then we can't guarantee equal numbers for each pool. Do we offer refunds for those who don't get matches or not guarantee a match at all? a. What would we say if there's no match? 34. For everyone new questionnaire, we find a match based on every questionnaire in the database. Do we include those that have been matched already? a. If so, what happens if the compatibility of the new match is stronger/weaker than the old one? 35. What's the minimum percentage of compatibility needed for a match? 36. Will we make every question required? What if the person does not wish to answer certain questions (race, beliefs, etc)? 37. Incomplete questionnaires: how do we handle cases where person A answered question 1, but person B did not. And everything else is very similar - is that a match? 38. Would we match different, yet similar preferences? For example, would we match a person who is Bi with a person who is strictly gay? Or someone straight with someone bi? 39. How do we prevent someone from saying "neutral" or "n/a" or "doesn't care" for every option so they become matched with a lot of people/ do we want to stop that from happening? 40. Is this a mobile app? A web app? Through email? How is information gathered? a. If used on mobile device or web application - does everybody get the same questionnaire or do a step based questionnaire, where depending on the first step (e.g. 20 questions) the next step differentiates (user depending questionnaire, e.g. if he tells that race doesn't matter don't show options of follow ups like oriental/caucasian/...) 41. Because we forward matched information via email, I assume that entering an email is required when signing up? a. What if it's invalid (do we check for that)? b. What if they change addresses, and they don't update it on the app? 42. How do we handle trolls, or fake accounts matched with real accounts (require ID on signup?) 43. What if our algorithm determines a good match, but it was a horrible match in person? a. How do we gauge how good we are doing? b. Do we send out post-experience surveys after one week(?) after a match? c. Machine Learning? 44. Do we have to specify how the algorithm matches the people together? e.g. define how many and which answers need to match or don't worry about implementation at all? :::::::::::::: Some Random Group's Questions :::::::::::::: The questionnaire doesn't include many races (South Asian, Middle Eastern, etc.). Can we be inclusive? What would happen if the user is not heterosexual? If not heterosexual, how do we pair them in the database so that we can have even numbers of people with same sexualaities?. What would happen if a person is neither a male nor female and or are attracted to non male and female subjects? For our requirement spec report, how do we format it and how should the flow of information occurs? what kind of research do we need to do in order to finish the final report? Some people might not care about the religious affiliation of their partner, should we have an option for that? Some people really might care, I don't see why you wouldn't leave that. Not everyone who has a religious affiliation is on the same level of commitment to that affiliation, should we have a scale of how religious they are? Are we creating a new matchmaking program? Non-monogamous relationship? Wouldn't age and height of partner be better represented with a range on a scale? Under the interest section, wouldn't a larger scale be more useful? Shouldn't the scale for interest include dislike as well? Would it be a good idea to share partner's interest section after the user has been matched? It would allow for a good conversation. It should perhaps be an option. Maybe you wouldn't want everything revealed. Shouldn't politics be included in the attitudes section too? There's some biased language in the questionnaire. Can we make them more politically correct? What is the goal for the report and why are we Some words and questions used in the original questionnaire can be considered racism nowaday, should we change it? What happens if the there is no good match for someone in the date mode? If there is no good match, do they get some kind of compensation? Do they remain in the database? What if there are many good matches for a user? Could it be handled in a better way? If a questionnaire remains in the database for a long time, is it considered stale? How long until the questionnaire is considered stale? If someone is matched with a stale questionnaire, should we still match them up? People change over time, how often can someone update their questionnaire, if at all? Should the absolute factors be updated? Things such as culture backgrounds? :::::::::::::: Some Random Group's Questions :::::::::::::: 1. The program needs to be "to some extent form independent." Does this mean only the three types of questionnaires supplied on the course web page or need it accept any form? 2. If the program needs to accept any form can it be any form that meets a predetermined format or do we need to accept in any form that supplies metadata (that would be predetermined format) about related questions E.G. questions 1 and 2 from the first Operation Matchmaker form on the course web page. 3. If there is some predetermined format what should it be? Should be the double question answering format, or should they first answer questions about themselves on one page and questions about their date requirements on another, or scales for questions, or a combination of these, or something else entirely? 4. What medium should this be? Is this a website, is it a computer application, is it a phone application, what platform should it be on? 5. What is the target audience, age, location, demographics? 6. Should it be available in all countries? If not what countries? 7. What sort of privacy should there be? When there is a match should we just send a name or should there be a profile with information about that user that the their match can see? 8. What sources of revenue are we looking for? Is it in advertising, is it in usage charges, is it in selling people's personal data? 9. How do we ensure that the individuals are real? Do we require a credit card or some other form of identification? Don't want people going to a party being matched with a bot. 10. What is the minimum age requirement to use the website? 11. How do we protect our users from possibly malicious people who have signed up for our site? Should there be a reporting system in place for our users to report dates who were less than cordial. 12. Do we want to connect to other social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+? 13. Should the forms include some metadata about weight of questions? Like some questions are more important and affect the matching rating more than others? 14. Should the Absolute Factors (if there are any in the form provided) be pass fail absolutely or should they just have a heavier weighting if we are using some weighting system. 15. Do the users have to completely fill out the questionnaire or can they choose to skip some questions? 15. For party mode should there be a limited number of open positions for each gender+sexual preference or should it be unlimited and users will be removed from the party if there are not enough matching gender+sexual preference users attending the party? 16. For bisexual users attending party mode can the system place them as a male seeking a female or a male seeking a male based on need for numbers? 17. In party mode how do you prioritize users signing up when there are not enough sexual preference matches available? Do you do it on first come first serve so if there are 17 males seeking females and only 13 females seeking males then the last 4 males get removed from the party or is it based on best match so the 4 males who had the worst matches get removed? 18. For questions where users are describing their own attractiveness to we verify a la https://www.beautifulpeople.com/en-CA and downgrade their own rating if they don't meet our specifications for beauty or upgrade them if they're more beautiful than they think? 19. When do we do matches for dating mode? Is it as soon as a new user submits their questionnaire we compare them against every other user that matches their gender+sexual preference combo and send out any matches that beat a predefined match threshold? Can a user opt out of our system so that they no longer get matched or get match emails? 20. Do we send users multiple matches at once or stagger them so they're not all going on dates at the same time? 21. How do we handle a match? Do users just get the contact information of their matches and choose to meet up if they want to or not or do we connect them through our program somehow like tinder? 22. Can users add custom restrictions? If so, how does it affect the matching system? :::::::::::::: Some Random Group's Questions :::::::::::::: 1.Can matchmaker match two different types of questionnaire? 2.Does participant has to fill out the questionnaire twice at the same time? 3.For the questionnaires that each participant need to fill out twice, does those two questionnaire have to be the same type? 4.Can incomplete questionnaire be saved as draft? 5.For the sentance in dating mode, how would you determine !0same set of questions!1, e.g. keyword, similarity rate? 6.Do you have any suggestion of algorithm that is used to compare questionnaires in the database for dating mode? 7.If participant is dating with someone(in real life), can he/she temporarily exit the dating mode, so that new answers would not be compared with his/her answer. 8.Can participant skip some questions while he/she is filling the questionaire? 9.For question 19 in 1965-1966 questionaire, participant can only choose exact ideal age for his/her date, can participant choose a range of age instead of exact age? 10.For some questions like question in part two, choose the social class. Does a note needed beside the question to help participants to determine which social class they belong to? 11.How long will the answer submitted by participant last in database? 12.Since matchmaker works with any of the three questionaires as well as any variation of them, can participant choose which questionaire to be used while doing the comparing? 13.Do participants have chance to modify what they fill in before they submit the answers to each question? 14.Before participants submit their answers, do they have to choose which mode(dating mode or party mode) they want to join in? Or, if there are new events(parties), they are informed by email, then they can join in later? 15.For party mode, does every participant gets !0good and balanced match!1 after comparing? If not, what happens to those who does not get a date? 16.For dating mode, if a user gets a large number of good, blanced matches, he will get a email for each match. I think this will be really difficult and inconvinience for user to view the result. How about list all matches in one single email? 17.To what extent should the email reveal the information of each others for a good, balanced match, some basic informantion or the whole questionnaire? 18.What does the term !0reciprocal match!1? Does this mean the matched two people satisfy each other!/s requirement? 19.Is the questionnarie set updated regularly? If so, does every participant need to fill out the new questions again? :::::::::::::: Some Random Group's Questions :::::::::::::: [Background Info] 1 What is the main purpose of your proposed system? [Background Info] 2 What is your expected duration of the project? [Background Info] 3 When do you want the system to go live? [Background Info] 4 Who are your expected end users or visitors on your online system? [Background Info] 5 Do we need to support multiple platforms such as mobile/tablet/desktop/browsers? [Background Info] 6 How do you want to store the questionnaire data, user filled questionnaires data, user data, payment data, and any other data that the current system uses? [Background Info] 7 Can you provide us those data samples? [Background Info] 8 Are there any external systems to connect with the Matchmaker system? (such as ERP system, Payment System) [Background Info] 9 Do you provide servers for online service? (If yes, tell me the network/hardware configurations) [Background Info] 10 Do you have a place to park the servers (i.e. location of IDC)? [Background Info] 11 Do you provide test servers (If yes, tell me the network/hardware configurations)? [Background Info] 12 Do we have to work at your site? [Background Info] 13 Do you provide work environments for the project? [UI/Web Design] 1 Do you have a preferred layout for the website? [UI/Web Design] 2 Do you have a preferred set of colours to use for the website? [Signup/Login] 1 Does the end user (i.e. online user) need to signup or login to fill in a questionnaire? [Signup/Login] 2 Is there any restrictions to sign up (such as age, reside location, culture, lifestyle, sexuality, certain groups of people, and so on)? [Signup/Login] 3 Is there a set of information that is mandatory for the user to enter when signing up for your service? (such as a profile picture) [Signup/Login] 4 Do we need to prevent robots from signing up? [Signup/Login] 5 Do we need to validate the end user's email address? [Signup/Login] 6 How much personal information should we disclose? [Signup/Login] 7 Do you want to have a maximum cutoff for the number of users that sign up for dating and party mode? [Signup/Login] 8 If the end users sign up after the maximum cutoff, how would we handle the users for both modes? [Signup/Login] 9 What accommodations do we provide for certain group of end users? [Payment] 1 Do you want to collect fees online? [Payment] 2 Do you have a preferred payment method? [Payment] 3 Do you have a refund policy? (If yes, explain the refund policy) [Payment] 4 What services are available for the paying end users? [Payment] 5 What services are available for the non-paying end users? [Payment] 6 Who needs to access payment information? [Security] 1 Do you expect that all end users are honest? [Security] 2 How do you handle malicious end users? [Security] 3 How do you validate filled in questionnaire data? [Form Independent] 1 Please explain form independence. [Form Independent] 2 Do we need to be able to control forms and answers separately? [Form Independent] 3 What are the possible variations of questionnaires? [Form Independent] 4 Who is responsible for input of new variations of questionnaires? [Form Independent] 5 How do questionnaire variations differ from other questionnaire variations? [Form Independent] 6 How do we make the different variations compatible with each other? [Form Independent] 7 How similar are the different variations? [Form Independent] 8 Should the system come with a default questionnaire? [Form Independent] 9 Should administrators be able to extend or modify the questionnaire after deployment? [Questionnaire] 1 What action should we take with people that have contradicting questionnaires(i.e. the person is Jewish and say that dating someone is important to them, but they state that they do not want to date a Jewish. Look at questions 5 to 11 in Operation Match's 1965-66 Questionnaire)? [Questionnaire] 2 How do we deal with people with different standards/definitions(i.e. person 1 considers themselves well-groomed, but person 2 has a higher standards about being well-groom, which is not met)? [Questionnaire] 3 How do we deal with people that view the world differently(i.e. different backgrounds on beauty)? [Questionnaire] 4 Who has to modernize the questionnaires? [Questionnaire] 5 Which questions do you consider to be outdated? [Questionnaire] 6 Can you talk about the changes that you think are especially important to modernizing the questionnaire forms? [Questionnaire] 7 You say that our system should be compatible with the old questionnaires, but state that those questionnaires should be modernized. What exactly do you mean by `modernized'? [Questionnaire] 8 Should we change the wording of the questions to be less offensive (i.e. negro)? [Questionnaire] 9 Should we include South Asian people? [Questionnaire] 10 Should we include biracial people? [Questionnaire] 11 How do we deal with biracial people(i.e. person 1 wants Oriental, and person 2 is Oriental and Black, should a match happen between these two people?)? [Questionnaire] 12 Do we have to consider homo/bi/trans/etc for party mode, or can we assume that they will always match well? [Matching] 1 Who is responsible for the matching algorithm? [Matching] 2 Who is responsible for connecting matches? [Matching] 3 What is the weighting for each question? [Matching] 4 Do people that live closer to each other count as a better match? [Matching] 5 How do we connect matches(email, phone number, postal code)? [Matching] 6 Are there traits/answers that should be prioritized? [Matching] 7 Do we want to give higher weight to answers that are closer to each other (e.g. if heights are close to each other)? [Matching] 8 Does each question have a separate weight? [Matching] 9 Who determines the weighting for each question? [Matching] 10 Does each section have a separate weight? [Matching] 11 Who determines the weighting for each section? [Matching] 12 Are questions that are part of the same section weighted the same? [Matching] 13 Are sections weighted differently? [Matching] 14 Who determines if a match is good enough? [Matching] 15 How do you determine if a match is good enough? [Matching] 16 How do we handle people that have no good matches? [Matching] 17 Do we want to give, for each question, an option to say that what their date answers is irrelevant? [Matching] 18 What do you mean by a "good and balanced match"? [Matching] 19 What would happen if a user does not get any matches? [Other] 1 What kind of extra features do you want, that are not included in the vision document? [Other] 2 Do we have to include the updated questionnaires in the user's manual or the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document? :::::::::::::: Some Random Group's Questions :::::::::::::: In dating mode, what is a good balanced match? What does the term balanced mean? Should matches be expressed as a percentage of likelihood / confidence in the match? When a balanced match is found can a user see the answers of their match? In party mode, what is the upper bound of n? Average? In dating mode, can a user change his or her answers? What does form independent mean? It says "Questions are to be filled out online" - Does online refer to a website or mobile application and or is one preferred over the other by users? What platforms should be supported by the system? Can a user skip a question if they choose not to answer it? What measure of privacy and confidentiality should be enforced by the system if any? For example, can a user opt out to answer a particular question publicly and how should the system behave when a user opts out? Is there a specific age group the program is targeting? Will the questionnaire be filled out one after the other or for each question, will there be 2 answer sections? (one for him- or herself and one for their ideal match) It says, in both modes, "one per person." when referring to the number of questionnaires a person has to fill. Is the "one" referring to the set of 2 questionnaires? Or is it referring to a specific questionnaire? (e.g. the one they filled about themselves, or the one they filled about their desired match) What kind of contact information should be revealed in the e-mail that is sent to the matched parties in dating mode? Should it be a link to each other's online profile where they message each other in a native messaging system or should it reveal the e-mail address of the matched party? Can you clarify this part - " if it is absolutely essential that the match in the question be reciprocal," - what does it mean for the match to be reciprocal? Is it that both matches agree on the answer? Can we assume that there are no distance factors when finding matches? (e.g. What if someone wishes to have a match within Waterloo, or within 50 km of their location) Does Matchmaker have to simultaneously work with all three questionnaires or does "works with any of the three questionnaires listed above as well as any variation of them" mean that Matchmaker has a definite list of questions that can be swapped out for different setups of the program? Basically can different people using the same instances of the app have different questionnaires? Why should each participant fill out the same questionnaire twice? Or are the questionnaires different? Is it correct to interpret it as the first time an applicant fills out the questionnaire it is about "this is who I am" and the second time it is about "this is what I want someone to be looking for in me"? How does Matchmaker prevent people from submitting multiple questionnaires if the matching is done by email and it is fairly easy to make multiple emails? Would the users have to register for a profile (with a password) before filling in the questionnaires? How does a basis for a match in an email look like? Would it just show all the questions both people filling out questionnaires had the same answer for? :::::::::::::: Some Random Group's Questions :::::::::::::: * Matchmaker is to some extent form independent. That is, it works with any of the three questionnaires listed above as well as any variation of them. What does "any variation of them" mean? What is a variation? Would a questionnaire with one question be considered a variation? For missing or different questions, how does the program "fill in" the questions not on the other answer sheet? (what is the default response) * Each questionnaire is to be filled out twice by each participant, once as he or she perceives him- or herself and once as he or she wants his or her ideal match to have filled it out Why does the user fill out the questionnaire twice? What if the user only wants to fill it in once? What if the user thinks the ideal match quiestionnaire would be filled out exactly as their perceived questionnaire? What if the user is unsure of how they perceived themselves? What if the user is unsure of what their ideal match is? What if the user's answer is vague? * Questionnaires are to be filled in online. "Online" is vague. How, specifically is it filled out? Email, web app, simple form-based webpage? Multiple ways of filling it out? How to make sure filling private infomation online is secure? * Matchmaker has two basic modes: * dating * In dating mode, it is assumed that there is a continually growing database of questionnaires, all of the same set of questions, of filled questionnaires at most one per person. It is assumed that there is a continually growing database of questionaires. How large is the database? How user can retrieve and compare answers frome the database? How do we filter out questionnaires that may not be legitimate, ie from a DoS or spam attack? How many expected users will there be? What is the expected geographical region that this progam will cover? There is an inconsistency here. Above, it says that it works with any of the three questionnaires above as well as variations, but here, it says that they're all the same set of questions. Which is it? Do we keep separate tables/databases based on the questionnaire itself? How we can make sure each filled questionnaires at most one per person ? * Each time a new filled questionnaire comes in, it is compared to all filled questionnaires that are already in the database to find good, balanced matches between the new questionnaire and the old questionnaires. For any good, balanced match that is found, the two parties are informed in one e-mail addressed to both of the good. balanced match and of the basis for it. There is no a priori upper or lower bound on the number of good balanced matches each questionnaire is in. Lots of vague definitions here. What is considered a "good, balanced match"? [[covered below]] How do we determine if two people are a perfect match for each other? How do we determine if two people are a 0% match for each other? What is the cutoff point at which we determine if two people are a match? What are the different bases (basises?) for what a balanced match is? Are the bases weighted differently? ie Could it be possible that one pair with one basis match could be as well-matched as another pair with, say, 10 different basis matches? Are certain basises required for there to be a match? Assume the database is very big. Comparing all filled questionaires requires a lot of time. How efficiency and accuracy can be guaranteed? * party * In party mode, it is assumed that there is a database of questionnaires filled out, one per person, by the set of persons who want to attend one event, called the party. It is assumed that there is a even number of filled questionnaires, and that the number n of questionnaires filled out by those identifying as male is the same as the number of questionnaires filled out by those identifying as female. How would transgender individuals be treated in this? What if the user identifies as netiher male or female? What if, in this age of Tumblresque identity, the user identifies as something ridiculous not on the list? Would we need to hire security to escort them out? * Matchmaker creates n matches for the party, each matching one male with one female. The match is as good and as balanced as possible given the constraint that everyone who filled out a questionnaire is matched to one and only one someone else. Why the gender bias, what if the user wants a male-male or female-female match? What if an even split of male to female is not desired by the users? What happens when someone/multiple people can not be matched? What happens when there are several perfect matches? How do we bias matches? If there is 1 perfect match and several average matches, but the same questionnaires can also have all above-average matches, which one should be the more ideal choice? (ie, 100-50-50-50-50 vs 60-60-60-60-60) * For each mode, Matchmaker provides several possible definitions of ``a good and balanced match'' that can be chosen by the designer of a questionnaire. The parameters of the definition include at least: * for each question, if it is absolutely essential that the match in the question be reciprocal, * for each question, if a reciprocal match in the question is not absolutely essential, how important is the reciprocal match, and * what to do when Matchmaker finds no good and balanced matches for a questionnaire. What does it mean to be absolutely essential? How to identify if something is reciprocal? [[ O(1) query? ]] How do you measure importance? How the matchmaker be able to analyze it? For the second point -- if a reciprocal match isn't absolutely essential, can we assume that there's scales as to how close something can be a match? (for height, weight, etc) * It will be necessary to update the questionnaires, which were designed for the 1960s, to be relevant today. This updating might have implications on the structure of the questionnaire and on the behaviors of both modes. What happens when a user is never matched to anyone? Each person has different thoughts, how the same set of questions be able to tell what does the person want? How do we ensure users private information is secure? How are users identified within the systems/databases? What devices can the user use to interact with the system? What is the protocol for an incomplete quiestionnaire? Do users have to answer every question in the quiestionnaire? What if a user does not agree with a match? How would we take appearance of the users into account? How do we deal with inactive users? Can users delete profiles/questionnaires? What if someone is matched with an inactive user (especially in party mode)? How do we determine relevant questions for an updated quiestionnaire? How does the system react to a structure change? How is the questionnaire divided for ease of use and consistency? There was a strong emphasis on religion in the past quiestionnaires, is that still needed? What happens when the variance between multiple users is non-significant? Is multiple choice an adequate representation for many questions? What if a user leaves the dating pool? What happens to their profile and questionnaires? How does one account for hobbies and interests, if at all? There is a large amount of them, having them on a questionnaire may be impractical. :::::::::::::: Some Random Group's Questions :::::::::::::: Can a person participate both modes of match operation, or he or she can only participate one of modes? In dating mode, when matches are found, does the user get to see all matches or just best-match? In party mode, the initial system just put selects the equal number of men and women in a party. Should we consider some aspect such as age, religion, and race to improve the result we get from a party? Because the questions in questionnaire are provided by program maker only, can we accept new questions, opinions, or requirements from the users? Should we consider the current and future permanent residence of a user and the living situation of the ideal date? Since ZIP code is entered, does this limit the matches possible? If yes, with the advent of the internet and long-distance relationships, should this remain? If OM is going to be international, how do we deal with people that do not have ZIP codes, or even postal codes? Should we allow users in different countries be matched? (Niagara Falls and Buffalo? Toronto and Buffalo? Quebec and Buffalo?) The initial system matched men with women. Should we allow for matches between same gender? The initial system matched older men with younger women? Should we allow for matches between any two persons regardless of age? Should we let the user specify the age they would like to be matched with? The initial system assumed women wanted taller men and men wanted shorter women. Should we allow users to define their desired height (range)? What about other physical attributes like weight, muscle tone, hair and eye color? The ethnicities in the questionnaire are limited. Can we expand these? The initial system did not separate country of origin/nationality from ethnicity. Can we do this? The initial system did not inquire about a person's financial status. Can this be included? Expand religious preference? Will this get too diverse? Can multiple answers be chosen for a question? Many modern matching tools allow users to include photographs. Is this a desired feature? Should there be a system in place for reporting users who lie on the questionnaire or attempt to abuse their dates? In 1967 questionnaire, it said that questions need to be answered twice and once about the ideal mate. How do we answer about the ideal mate with same questions? Does this mean that we need to answer questions as the ideal mate is answering. Should our goal be to match as many people as possible or make less, very compatible matches? What if the software cannot find a match for a person? Should it return no results, or return the best possible match? As specified, users will continue to be matched as long as their profile remains in the system. If a match is successful and the user pursues a relationship, should they be able to opt out of the system? How do we know the result of match in real situation? Can we collect the feedback so we can update the pool and the questionnaire? Now that this is an online service, will users be able to update their questionnaire after the initial submission? If a user opts out or is removed after the normal time period, should their questionnaire be stored or will they have to fill out a new one when they return? How long should applications stay in "continuous processing" before they need to reapply? How do we deal with applications that seem to throw the system off? (Very inconsistent or idealistic answers) How should toxic users (for example, users who don't show up for party matches, users who have been reported) be removed from the system? Is this going to be a free service, or how will payment be processed? One-time payment? Monthly subscription? :::::::::::::: Some Random Group's Questions :::::::::::::: Our team decided to categorize the questions for our customer (TA) so that they can better help us talk to the specific teams that can help us make our product better and more efficient. 1. Do you want to register for the Dating mode only or Party mode only, or both? 2. What size of the group are you looking to have? Is there a boundary with your preference please? 3. How long would like the dating or party be, and what time would work the best for you? 4. Are you looking to be offered with the location services? 5. We have a premium membership for VIP customers with a better user experience and more recent features, are you interested? The VIP gets to match more frequently than others. 6. If in a party mode, how would like the male/female proportion be? For example, would you like half male and half female, or all male competes for 1 female, or all female competes for 1 male? 7. In Dating mode, besides cafe and that, do you have any other preferred places you would like the dating to happen at? 8. When dating, would you mind your partner, or yourself would like, to bring a peer or friends with you, or you would prefer 2 people dating alone? 9. We can collect your preference questionnaire in a way of public branches, would you like to register for that service? 10. If dating or partying, reasonably how many partners would you like to be assigned to? 11. If there's no match found after doing the survey, would you like 50% of the refund, or continue to be put into the system to look for the next match.