Author: Catherine Zhou
Date: January, 2021
Copyright Notice:
This is just a rearranged and edited copy of PSYCH 211 lecture notes. All rights belong to Dr.Sebastian Dys from Department of Psychology, University of Waterloo.
Why do we study developmental psychology?
Raising, educating children:
Choosing social policies:
Understanding human nature
Why is developmental psychology important?
It cuts across many ares (e.g. social, cognitive, emotional, physical)
Many other areas have questions that involve development
The early years are very formative
Prenatal (before birth)
Category | Age Range |
Germinal | Conception - 2 weeks |
Embryonic | 3-8 weeks |
Fetal | 9 weeks - birth |
Postnatal (after birth)
Category | Age Range |
Infancy | Birth - 24 months |
Toddlerhood | 1 - 3 years |
Early childhood | 3 - 5 years |
Middle childhood | 6 - 8 years (often considered 6 - 11 years) |
Late childhood | 9 - 11 years |
Early adolescence | 12 - 14 years (some define it as early as 9 or 10) |
Middle adolescence | 15 - 17 years |
Late adolescence | 18 - 20 years (emerging adulthood runs from 18 - 25 years) |
Young adulthood | 20 - 40 years |
Middle adulthood | 40 - 65 years |
Late adulthood | 65+ years |
Both Plato and Aristotle believed that the long-term welfare of society depended on children being raised properly, but they differed in their approaches.
Plato | Aristotle |
Children are born with innate knowledge | Knowledge comes from experiences |
Education should focus on developing self-control and discipline | Education needs to be suited to the individual needs of each child |
John Locke
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Sigmund Freud
John Watson
For Freud and Watson:
Research methods were limited, the theory inspired or drew more sophisicated thinking
Brought attention to the importance of early years
Nature and Nurture
You can never separate the two concepts! Study of how environment & behaviours cause changes and how genes work (how nature modulate nurture)
The Active Child
How do children shape their own development?
Even from an early age, children impact their own development through:
Later in life, older children and adolscents choose:
Continuous or Discontinuous?
Mechanisms of Change
e.g. how do genes and experiences influence effortful attention? Experience, poverty, etc.
Sociocultural Context
the physical, social, cultural (most common), economic, and historical circumstances that make up any child's development
How much are psychological effects universal versus situationally-specific? e.g. cross-cultural comparisons
Variation not only between cultures
Individual Differences
How do children become so unique?
Four reasons why children from the same family turn out differently:
Research and Children Welfare
Science's approach to testing whether something is true
Untested beliefs are hypotheses, not truth
Tested using scientific processes
Hypotheses must be disprovable
Inferences about variables are limited by sample characteristics and validity of results
We make inferences about A & B, but limited by how we measure A & B.
Identify research question
Construct Hypothesis (before conduct the study) Collect empirical data Analyze results Accept or reject hypothesis back
We have many assumptions about
Best to use more qualified language when referring to a single study
Degree to which variable measurement is consistent.
Degree to which a measure assesses what it intends to
Reliability is necessary but insufficient to establish validity.
e.g. is the IQ test "accurate"? can the result generalize to something else?
Whether a study's findings can be reproduced, given the same measures and population.
What if a study isn't replicated? Findings may have been
due to chance
How does it differ from reliability?
structured interview: fixed set of questions
semi-structured/clinical interviews: prepared set of questions, with freedom flexibility to adjust questions given participant's responses
self-completed set of questions
questions must be esay to complete, often few opportunities for clarification
typically entirely predetermined (i.e., structured)
examination of ongoing behaviour in an environment not controlled by the researcher
e.g. examining rate of negative behaviours in "troubled" vs "typical" families
strengths: detailed and ecologially valid information
weaknesses: events of interest may not happen often; difficult to disentangle directionality
Correlational designs examine variabels are related to one another. A correlation is the association between two variables. The direction and strength of a correlation is measured by a statistic called correlation coefficient.
Correlation vs. Causality
Direction-of-causation problem
It is not possible to tell from a correlation which variable is the cause and which is the effect
Third-variable problem
A correlation between two variables may arise from both being influenced by some third variable (some variable that we are not aware of).
Allow inferences about cause and effects & dirrect assumption
Rely on random assignment
each child has an equal chacne of being assigned to any group (experimental or control) within an experiment
Experimental control refers to the ability of the researcher to determine the specific experiences that children have during the course of an experiment
Children in the experimental group receive an experience of interest, the independent variable
Those chosen in the control group do not receive this experience
The dependent variable (outcome variable) is a behaviour that is hypothesized to be affected by the independent variable
Cross-sectional: study different ages as a proxy for development
Typically used in place of longitudinal designs, but not always
e.g. how does lie-telling change across 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds?
Longitudinal designs
The same participants are studied twice or more over time
Microgenetic designs (special case of longitudinal design)
The same participants are recruited many times over a brief period of time
Cross-sequential (or accelerated longitudinal) design
Children are vulnerable population. We should not harm children, physically or psychologically.
Before the experiments, we should obtain consent from parents, assent from children (where appropriate)
Data should be held confidential (private), anonymous (where possible).
Time Period | Name | Description |
Conception to 2 weeks | Germinal | Begins with conception and lasts until the zygote becomes implanted in the uterine wall. Repaid cell division takes place |
3 to 8 weeks | Embryonic | Following implantation, major devlopment occurs in all the organs and systems of the body. Development takes pace through the processes of cell division, cell migration, cell differentiation, and cell death, as well as hormonal influences. |
9 weeks to birth | Fetal | Continued development of physical structures and repaid growth of the body. Increasing levels of behaviour, sensory experience, and learning. |
Highlights of prenatal period
Zygote during first 2 weeks - essentially immune to environmental influences
Embryo at 4 weeks
Embryo at 5
Fetus at 9 weeks
Fetus at 11 weeks
Fetus at 16 weeks
Fetus at 18 weeks
Fetus at 20 weeks
Fetus at 28 weeks
Sight and touch
minimal visual experience; more tactile experience
flavours in amniotic fluid, taste sensitibity, and fetal preferences present
amniotic fluid odorants provide olfactory experiences
SD's pet peeves - touching pregnant woman's abdomens, don't do that without permission!!
At about 30 weeks gestation, the fetus decreases responses to repeated or continued stimulation - simple form of learning called fetal habituation.
Fetus learns, prefers, and remembers mother's voice
- Kisilevsky et al. (2003) - done over 60 getuses (M = 38.4 weeks) of Chinese women. monitor the child's heart rate over no voice
voice (mother/stranger) no voice - Mennella et al. (2001) - food preferences and prenatal learning, done over 46 pregnant mothers, last trimester
Fetal Heart Rate
External cardiotocography
Sensitive Periods of Prenatal Development
Environmental influences
teratogens (致畸物) are environmental agents that have the potential to cause harm during prenatal deveopment
most teratogens show a dose-response relation
increases in exposure to potential teratogens (cumulative effect) are associated with greater probabilities of fetal defects and with more severe problems
In Canada, lead (铅) used in many industrial products. Accumulation of evidence of lead's toxity, causing serious poisoning, which even lead to death. The International labour conference meeting in 1921 created proposal to restrict lead content in paint. Canada restricts concentrations of lead in interior paints in 1976. Lead gasoline is banned in Canada for public consumption in 1990.
include both leagal and illegal substances
legal drugs:
timing is a crucial factor in the severity of the effects of potentially harmful agents
many (but not all) agents cause damage only if exposure occurs during a sensitive period in development
Maternal Factors
The age, nutrition, disease, and emotional state of the mother have an impact on prenatal development
Infants born to girls 15 years younger - mostly likely to die
An inadequate supply of specific nutrients or vitamins
A variety of diseases including sexually transmitted diseases
A woman's emotional state
Depression, anxiety, and stress: prevalence rates
Depression: 5-16%; Anxiety: 10-20%; Stress: low-to-moderate stress = 78%; high stress = 6%
Related to negative outcomes:
Intergenerational transmission of poverty, trauma, and/or stress
Average proportion of time (in 24-hour day) | States of Arousal |
Quite sleep | 8 hrs |
Active sleep | 8 hrs |
Drowsing | 1 hr |
Alert awake | 2.5 hrs |
Active awake | 2.5 hrs |
Crying | 2 hrs |
Newborns sleep twice as much as young adults
The pattern of two different sleep states changes dramatically
Genetic and environmental influences
The interplay between genes and experience is very complex
This model of hereditary and environmental influences can help to simplify this interplay
Three elements of the model
Five foundamental relations
Epigenetics: e.g. famine and growth, "Biological embedding of early experience"
Caps et al., 2002
Young men who had experienced severe maltreatment (虐待) were in general more likely to engage in antisocial behaviour than those who had experienced none. However, the effect was much stronger for those individuas who had a relatively inactive MAOA gene.
Behavioural genetics is concerned with how variation in behaviour and development results from the combination of genetic and environmental factors.
Why are people different from one another?
Underlying premise attempts to answe this question:
Behavioural geneticists believe that most traits of interest are multifactorial. Traits are affected by many environmental factors and by many genes.
Research Designs
Family study
Mainstay of modern behaviour-genetics research
Measure trait of interest among people who vary in genetic relatedness
Identical twins reared apart: twin siblings who have not met since they were infants were studied
Correlations between the measure of the trait in individuals with different relationships
Problems with Behaviour Genetic Studies
Assumptions of equal environments
Are identical twins reared in environments just as similar as non-identical twins or non-twin siblings?
Representative samples?
When there are twins having life really divergent from each other, they are probably not willing to participate in the study.
Heritability estimates don't coverage with genome-wide association studies (GWAS)
It's really about epigenetics (gene
Best to be cautious about heritability estimates
Structure of Brain: The Neuron
Neurogenesis refers to the productions of neurons.
Synaptogenesis and Synapse Elimination
Synaptogenesis: each neuron forms synapses with thousands of other neurone, resulting in the formation of trillions of connections
Synaptic Pruning
Synaptogenesis and Synapse Elimination
Mean synaptic density (the number of synapses in a given space) first increases sharply as new synapses are overproduced and later declines gradually as excess synapses are eliminated. Note that the time scale is compressed at later stages (Huttenlocher & Dabholkar, 1997).
Synapse Elimination
Synaptic Pruning
Adolescent development
The Importance of Experience
Experience plays a central role - Use it or lose it!
Plasticity - capacity of the brain to be affected by experience
Two kinds of plasticity - general/idiosyncratic experiences
Experience-expectant plasticity
Involves process through which the normal wiring of the brain occurs in part as a result of general experiences that every human who inhabits any reasonably normal environment will have.
Developmental impairment results, if expected experience is not available, as in the case of congenital deafness or blindness.
Sensitive periods
Timing is the key element in experience-expectant plasticity.
Few sensitive periods when the human brain is particularly sensitive to particular kinds of external stimuli exists.
Experience-dependent plasticity
Involves process through which neural connections are created and reorganized throughout life as a function of an individual's experience.
Results come from nonhuman animals: animals raised in enriched environment perform better on a variety of learning tasks
Research on humans: Musicians demonstrate highly specific effects of experience on brain structure.
This theory is often labeled as constructivist and remains the standard against which all other theories are judged. Piaget believed that nature and nurture interact to yield cognitive development.
3 components of nativist belief:
Three processes work together from birth to propel development forward:
Learning Process
There are distinct, hierachical stages for children's development, and the central properties of Piaget's stage theory is:
Children progress through four stages of cognitive development, each building on the previous one.
Stage | Age | Description |
Sensorimotor | Birth - 2 years | Infants konw the world through their senses and through their actions |
Preoperational | 2 - 7 years | Toddlers and young children acquire the ability to internally represent the world through language and mental imagery |
Concrete Operational | 7 - 12 years | Children become able to think logically and systematically, not just intuitively |
Formal Operational | 12+ years | Adolescents can think systematicaly and reason about what might be as well as what is |
Sensorimotor stage
Birth - 2 years.
Over the course of the first two years, infants' sensorimotor intelligence develops tremendously.
Preoperational stage
2 years - 7 years
A mix of impressive cognitive acquisitions and equally impressive limitations
Three-mountain task: investigate egocentrism in children's thinking, and identify the child being in preoperational or concrete operational stage
Concrete Operations stage
7 - 12 years
Children begin to reason logically about the world. They can solve conservation problems, but think systematically remains difficult.
Formal Operations stage
12 years+
Cognitive development culminates in the ability to think abstractly. Inidividuals can imagine alternative worlds and reason systematically (similar to counter-factual reasoning)
Unlike other stages, Piaget didn't believe this was universally attained.
Children's distinctive ways of thinking at different stages need to be considered during education.
Although Piaget's theory remains highly influential, some weaknesses are now apparent.
Piaget's theory is regarded as one of the major theories in developmental psychology because
Much cognitive development occurs within social interactions with guided participation and intersubjectivity (the sharing of subjective experience between two or more people).
Lev Vygostsky (1896-1934)
Scaffolding (social scaffolding) - a teaching style that supports and facilitates the student as he or she learns a new skill or concept, with the ultimate goal of the student becoming self-reliant.
In practice, it involves teaching material just beyond the level at which the student could learn alone.
Zone of proximal development - the learning one can accomplish with the help of another who has more knowledge on the subjective, but could not be accomplished alone.
Vygotsky asserted that what children can do with the assistance of others is even more indicative of their developmental status than what they can do alone.
Category | Piaget | Vygotsky |
Independence | emphasized children's efforts to understand the world on their own | emphasized the role of social influences on children's learning |
Continuity vs. Discontinuity | emphasized discontinuous stages | emphasized gradual learning |
Goal of learning | children want to master concepts across all times and places | children intent on activities and concepts specific to their time, place, and culture |
This emphasizes how varied aspects of the children function as a single, integrated whole to produce behaviour, how action and cognition are linked. How purpose would problem solving address if we couldn't act upon those solutions?
How changes in actions over time in physical and biological systems. Unlike other theories, DST sees change as dynamic. Skills related to one subsystem depend on those in other systems. Development functions as an organized system.
Changes occur through two mechanisms:
How are these decided? Relative success/ efficiency/ novelty
Sensation: processing basic information from one's environment via the sense or organs
Perception: the process of organizing and interpreting sensory information
Visual acuity: degree of visual discrimination
Preferential-looking paradigm
1st month:
How do we perceive depth?
Optical expansion: present from about 6-7 months
Binocular disparity: process of combining differing visual inputs to perceive depth
8 months, could be sooner. Heart-rates increase when looking over cliff by 3 months
Other reflexes
Language: the use of symbols to communciate our thoughts, involving comprehension and production.
Phonemes - smallest unit of meaning sound. English sues 45/200
Children experience phonological development
Morphemes - the smallest units of meaning. Alone or in combination, they form words。
Children experience semantic development
Syntax - rules governing how words can be combined
Children experience synatctic development
Pragmatics - how to understand and communicate meaning beyond words or structure
Children experience pragmatic development
How do we learn language? Can other animals learn it? Is it all based on experience or is there an element that you have to born with?
B.F.Skinner, like Watson, believed that language was acquired through experience alone. More specifically, through reinforcement and punishment. Children were a blank state.
Noam Chomsky thinks that children can't be conditioned to learn every proper sentence due to the generativity of the language. He believed that human can be born with language acquisition device and universal grammar.
It is not all nature, but that almost certainly plays an important part.
Language is species-specific and species-universal. Language primarily represented in the left hemisphere in a human brain.
We are sensitive in a specific period of time to learn languages. We can still do it later on (but more difficult).
For second or third language, sensitive period exists. It is much easier to acquire during age 5 and puberty. Is billingual good for kids? It seems like children learn each language relatively independent of each other. There are subsential cognitive benefits to learning multiple languages.
Since language is species-universal. Everyone will learn at least one language sometime in their lifetime.
Based on Genie, there is possibly a critical period, but we can't defnitely say yes. There are too many potential "third variables"/factors affecting this ability. Other research has since built a stronger case.
Cases of brain damage among children vs. Adults (more likely to suffer permanent language impariments after severe brain damage than children). Childhood is important to develop languistic abilities.
Also, exposure to ASL in childhood has a much easier time learning ASL (other than spoken language) than those who had no exposure in childhood.
IDS is the distinctive mode of speech that adults adopt when talking to babies and very young children. Infants prefer and learn faster with IDS.
Coo - vowel-like sounds produced by young infants when they are seemingly happy and contented. Begins around 6-8 weeks
Babbling - prespeech sounds, such as dadada, made by infants from around 6-10 months of age. Babbling is usually regarded as practice in vocalization, which facilitates later speech development. Limited sounds, not always from native language.
First words - between 10-15 months. Tend to be "Daddy" or "Mommy"
Conversations with parents promote development. Children extract meaning from context.
Children begin putting simple sentences together by the end of 2nd year. It starts with 2-word utterances, or telegraphic speech (children use two words at a time when speaking).
Children apply some general rules (Grammar) intuitively.
Concepts - general ideas that organize on the basis of similarity
A working understanding of ourselves and other people. A process of reasoning or intuiting by which laypersons determine whether another person (an “actor”) caused a certain action.
These begin to form early on and are important for social relationships.
An understanding of how mental processes impact behaviour. The understanding that others have intentions, desires, beliefs, perceptions, and emotions different from one’s own and that such intentions, desires, and so forth affect people’s actions and behaviors.
thinking about: desires, beliefs, and intentions impact actions
connection between desires and actions
conenction between beliefs and actions
Intentions and actions
How does ToM develop?
A lot of debate and disagreement, but probably:
This is fairly common (63% prevalence)
What are the friends like?
What's the purpose?
Are these children different?
Mostly, no. Not different in
Among the few differences:
Purpose of Scientific Writing
Goal of writing should be
It shouldn't be
For example,
The measure involved children's observation of relaxing aquatic scenery for 120 seconds.
Nominalization: nouns derived from verbs or adjectives.
Verb | Nominalization | Adjective | Nominalization |
expect | expectation | precise | precision |
perform | perfomance | clear | clarity |
evaluate | evaluation | significant | significance |
integrate | integration | different | difference |
Often end in -tion, -ment, -ence, and -ness.
The practice of mindfulness appears to lead to a reduction in symptoms of depression.
remove nominalizations: practice, reductions, depression
Remove passive voice may require you to add characters (e.g. children, people, psychologists, parents) to a sentence.
Given the inability to recognize object permanence, the movement of objects back into sight often leads to surprised reactions.
The demonstration of contextual influence on visual perception is the primary contribution of this study.
Nominalization: demonstration, perception, contribution
Active voice: subject performs the action
Passive voice: the subject receives the action
This finding was discovered by a team of scientists at UofT.
Anxiety over separation from parents is experienced by insecurely attached children.
Remove passive
Remove nominalization
The expectation of negative outcomes from interactions with new peers is often experienced by children who are shy.
Writing Concisely
I would hav ethe same conversation with her for months on end, and although it was repetitive to me, I made sure to listen attentively each time.
Be economical with your words: if you can convey the same idea with fewer words, do it.
Replace phrases with words:
Phrase | Word |
a large percentage of | most |
as a consequence of | because |
at that point in time | then |
at the present time | now |
due to the fact that | because |
in close proximity to | near |
in some cases | sometimes |
in the near future | soon |
in the situation where | when |
subsequent to | after |
with the exception of | except |
There are a number of theories that have been stated which try to explain why humans have a tendency to believe they are able to detect lies and deception in others.
After cutting needless words
After removing normalization
It has been proposed that one possible explanation is that acts of aggression may be driven by feelings of anger.
Avoiding needless words
Removing passive voice
After adding a subject
Good sentences get to the subject quickly. Introductory clauses are best kept to 5 or 6 words.
Although older children are skeptical of people who have misled them previously, preschool children generally trust others.
Two options:
Reduce the clause:
Unlike older children, preschool children generally trust people who have misled them previously.
Move it to the end of a sentence:
Because past research has been unable to determine whether a positive family life is beneficial in the long term, we investigated this issue longitudinally.
We investigated this issue longitudinally because past research has been unable to determine whether a positive family life is beneficial in the long term.
Because bilingual children have extensive experience selecting one language for production and inhibiting another, their congnitive control surpasses that of monolingual children.
A paragraph should speak to one idea. Sometimes it hurts to cut great ideas.
Length for academic writing: about 5 to 7 sentences, writing well involves imposing structure on your ideas.
Typically 1 paragraph (sometimes, but rarely 2).
What NOT to do:
What to do: start with a "hook"
Intelligence is a single trait with a few basic abilities and numerous processes. Research in this area raises much controversy.
Charles Spearman believed that General intelligence includes quantitative reasoning, fluid reasoning, visual-spatial processing, knowledge, working memory, etc.
Mesurements of G are:
James Cattel thinks there are two types of intelligence:
Crystallized intelligence | Fluid Intelligence |
Factural knowledge about the world | Ability to draw inferences and understanding relations between new concepts |
Increases with age (the more experience and exposure to facts, it increases) | Declines after early adulthood |
The measures of the same type of intelligence will correlate higher with each other than with the ones of the other type of intelligence.
Intelligence is many distinct processes: remembering, perceiving, attending, comprehending, encoding, associating, generalizing, planning, reasoning, etc.
Offers more specificity, less simplicity.
John Carroll developed Three-stratum theory of Intelligence:
General Intelligence influence several intermediate level abilities, which influences some specific processes:
Fluid Intelligence
Crystallized intelligence
General memory and learning
Broad visual perception
Broad auditory perception
Broad retrieval ability
Broad cognitive speediness
Processing speed
This seems the best theory that account for all different sub-types we rely on.
Should we have intelligence tests?
Measures of intelligence must be based on observable behaviours:
Intelligence tests measure different abilities in children of different ages:
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for 6-year-old (and older) children (WISC-V): consistent with Carroll's three-stratum framework, and yields overall score and separate scores on:
The overall quantitative measure of people's intelligence given your age. IQs at different ages are easy to compare. IQ scores for large, representative groups of children of a given age fall into a normal distribution with 100 as mean.
Does IQ change with age?
Appears quite stable, but not identical.
From 5 to 15 years:
Higher correlations between shorter periods.
Correlations appear to strength from year-to-year with age
Vary as a function of environmental changes
IQ is a strong predictor of academic, economic, and occupational success.
IQ scores as a predictors of important outcomes
A child's IQ is more closely related to their later occupational success than its socioeconomic status, school attended, or any other variable that has been studied.
IQ is not the only predictor of success
Theories of intelligence
self-efficiency in self-discipline with learning
"practical intelligence"
Children are partially influenced by their genotype. Sandra Scarr (1992) believes that
Stimulating home environments, especially those in which adults and children undertake challenging tasks together, are associated with higer IQ scores and high achievements in school.
Attending school makes children smarter.
Is it helpful to start kindergarten later? - "Relative age effect"
Redshirting: delay the start of formal schooling for (a child) by one year, typically so as to avoid a situation in which the child is among the youngest in their class.
Is it helpful to hold children back a grade if they're struggling?
Intellectual development is also influenced by the broader economy and society.
Flynn effect:
IQ scores in many countries have consistently increased.
Gene pool has not increased appreciably; IQ scores increase must be due to societal changes.
Explanation for change:
How adequate is the family's income is related to children's IQ? The more years children spend in poverty, the lower their IQs tend to be. Poverty can exert negative effects in numerous ways:
The average IQ scores of children of different racial and ethnic groups differ.
Statements about group differences refer to group averages rather than to any individual's score.
Differences in IQ scores are tied to their environments. These findings do not indicate children's intellectual potential.
With decrease in discrimination and poverty, African-American children school children decrease the gap with European-American children between 1972 and 2002.
Several contemporary theorists have argued that many important aspects of intelligence are not measured by IQ.
Gardner: Multiple intelligence theory
People possesses at least 8 types of intelligence.
Type | Description | Examples |
Linguistic | Sensitivity to the meanings and sounds of words; mastery of syntax; appreciation of the ways language can be used | poet, politician, teacher |
Logical-mathematical | Understanding of objects and symbols, of the actions that can be performed on them and of the relations between these actions; ability for abstraction; ability to identify problems and seek explanations | mathematician, scientist |
Spatial | Capacity to perceive the visual world accurately, to perform transformations upon perceptions and to recreate aspects of visual experience in the absence of physical stimuli; sensitivity to tension, balance, and composition; ability to detect similar patterns | Artist, engineer, chess master |
Musical | Sensitivity to individual tones and phrases of music; an understanding of ways to combine tones and phrases into larger musical rhythms and structures; awareness of emotional aspects of music | musician, composer |
Naturalistic | Sensitivity/understanding of plants, animals, and other aspects of nature | Biologist |
Bodily-kinesthetic | Use of one's body in highly skilled ways for expressive or goal-directed purposes | dancer, athlete, actor |
Intrapersonal | Access to one's own feeling life; ability to draw on one's emotions to guide and understand one's behaviour | Novelist, therapist |
Interpersonal | Ability to notice and make distinctions among the moods, temperaments, motivations, and intentions of other people and to act on this knowledge | leader, parent, teacher, therapist |
Sternberg: Theory of successful intelligence
Based on the view that intelligence is the ability to achieve success in life within one's sociaocultural context. Allows wider range of talented people.
Success depends on three types of abilities:
Attempts to account for important aspects of development, including emotion, personality, attachment, self, peer relationships, morality, and gender.
Freud believed that many of his patients’ emotional problems originated in their early childhood relationships. “Psychosexual” because he believed that even young children have a sexual nature that motives their behaviour.
Basic feature of Freud's Theory:
Freud’s theory posits a series of universal developmental stages in which psychic energy becomes focused in different erogenous zones.
Freud's personality structure:
Stage | Description |
Oral (first year) | Theprimary source of satisfaction and pleasure is oral activity. During this stage, the mother is established as the strongest love-object. |
Anal (1-3 years) | The primary source of pleasure comes from defecation. |
Phallic (3-6 years) | Characterized by the localization of pleasure in the genitalia. |
Latency (6-12 years) | Characterized by the cahnneling of sexual energy into socially acceptable activities. |
Genital (12+ years) | Sexual maturation is complete and sexual intercourse becomes a major goal. |
Accepted basic tenants of Freud’s theory, but emphasized the role of social factors, emphasized development over the lifespan (birth to late life).
Stage | Description |
Trust vs. Mistruct (first year) | Developing trust in other people is the crucial issue. |
Autonomy vs. shame and doubt (1-3 | The challenge is to achieve a strong sense of autonomy while adjusting to increased social demands. |
Initiative vs. Guit (4-6 years) | Resolved when the child develops high standards and the initiative to meet them without being crushed by worry about not being able to measure up. |
Industry vs. inferiority (6-puberty) | Crucial for ego development. The child must master cognitive and social skills, learn to work industriously, and play well with others. |
Identity vs. Role confusion (adolescence) | Adolescents must resolve the question of who they really are or live in confusion about what roles they should play as adults. |
Intimacy vs. Isolation (early adulthood) | Attempt to form affectionate relationship(s), typically romantic relationships |
Generativity vs. stagnation (middle adulthood) | Adults attemp to keep contributing to the world through work, child-rearing, or other productive work. |
Integrity vs. Despair (late life) | Elderly need to decide whether they are satisfied with how they lived their lives. |
This type of theories tie to the Mechanisms of Change among the seven enduring themes. Most believed that learning stayed the same across the life spam - overwhelmingly state that development is continuous.
John Watson believed that child's environment determines the child's development, and this could happen through conditioning.
Classical conditioning
Little Albert (fear of white rabbit)
Parents solely responsible for raising children. He argued for
He believed that if he could have full control over a child's life, he could raise the child to be any type of person he wanted him/her to be.
Gradually fell out of favour
Because people realize that there is indeed a role for love and the connection with children, beyond simply shaping their behaviour. Classical conditioning cannot determine this.
Development is determined by child's environment
through (operant) conditioning:
giving attention can be reinforcement
behaviour modification
This emphasizes observation and imitation as the primary mechanisms of development.
Preschool children can acquire new behaviours through observing others.
Bobo doll experiment: preschool children initially watched a short film which an adult model performed highly aggressive actions on an inflatable Bobo doll. Childen who have observed being aggressive to the bobo doll picked up the behaviour, while others who have not been exposed behave less aggressive.
Can children learn through vicarious reinforcement?
In the study, the actor was either (independent variables):
Children were then left alone with the doll. The researchers counted the number of aggressive behaviours reproduced (dependent variable).
Children then given a reward to recreate as many aggressive behaviours as they saw. The researchers counted the number of aggressive behaviours reproduced (dependent variable).
Reciprocal Derterminism
Environments can impact children, and children can also impact the environment.
e.g. Child enjoys playing violent video games and encourages peers to begin playing violent games together. Then interacting with peers, child plays violent games more and more often, and more children would adopt this aggressive behaviour, since more and more of them start playing the violent games.
Role taking: thinking from another’s perspective.
Children's social cognition is limited by their role taking. Before 6, children virtually unaware of other’s perspectives
This focuses on children's aggressive behaviours. Behaviour related to how people process social environment. Hostiale attribute bias:
Achievement motivations: learning or performance goals.
Types of attributes:
How to capitalize on this? - Children who are praised to be smart struggled relatively more when given a simpler test than those who are praised for their efforts. Focus more priase on children's efforts.
Impact beyond academics?
Ethological theory.
Bowlby's attachment theory
Is watching television good or alright for children?
American Academy of Pediatrics and Canadian Pediatric Society suggests that
children less than 2 years should watch no TV.
Average TV viewing time for 1-year-olds is 2.2 hours per day.
Amount of TV viewing at age 1 is negatively related to attention span, language acquisition.
children 2-5 years should watch no more than 1 hours/day
On average, spend 4.6 hours/day
children 6-16 years old should watch no more than 2 hours/day
On average, 6-to-11-year old spend 4 hours/day
What about "background television"? - It undermines the quality between children and parent interaction.
Slow-paced television shows (e.g. Sesame Street and Blue's Clues)
Goals to promote thinking skills, characterized by
Seaseme Street related to better school readiness, particularly for low SES children.
Blue's Clues related to better problem solving, story comprehension, and pattern recognition in children.
Fast-paced shows (e.g. SpongeBob)
focus on entertainment, not education
Does it increase aggression? - yes, but how much?
Battle of the meta-analysis
Most recent, less controversial meta-analysis:
How might violent media promote violent behaviour, or what moderates this effect? - increasing aggressive thoughts.
95+% of adolescents have and maintain access to social media.
Peers are people of approximately the same age and status. Most children have at least 1 same-sex peer they consider a friend. Friend are people who like to spend time together.
How do children and adolescents decide on friends?
Children want to be friends with peers who are
Children appear to have friends as early as age 2. Some preferences visible by 12-18 months.
Play becomes more complex and interactive:
More conflict with friends and non-friends:
Support and Validation
Possible cost of Friendships
In elementary school, children who have antisocial and aggressive friends tend to exhibit aggressive tendencies themselves. Co-rumination may lead to developing depressive or anxious symptoms.
From 5 years of age, distinctions between friends and non-friends sharpen, especially in the degree and importance of intimacy.
6- to 8-year-olds define friendship on basis of joint activities.
Between early school years and adolescence: friendship based on mutual liking and share interests
Adolescents use friendship as a context for self-exploration and working out personal problems.
They see friendships as context for self-exploration and working out problems. Value intimacy, disclosure, honesty
Friendships become
Cliques are friendship groups that children voluntarily form or join themselves.
Members are bound by their similarities begin in middle childhood, typically around 3-10.
It provides a sense of belonging, and membership is fairly unstable.
From ages 11 to 18, more adolescents develop ties to cliques making them more stable. It has more cross-gender members
During early and middle adolescence, children strongly value being in a popular group and in conforming to the group’s norms. It declines in later adolescence.
Emergence of crowds
Self-concept isthe conceptual system made up of one's thoughts and attitudes about oneself. Sense of self emerges early years of life, continues developing into adulthood. Environment contribute to the child's self-image.
In Infancy
In childhood
Self is largely socially constructed based on observations by others . Influence of attachment and parenting.
At age 3 to 4, children understand themselves in terms of concrete, observable characteristics.
Start off unrealistically confident.
In elementary school, self becomes more differntiated due to social comparisons.
In adolescence
More self-generated.
The ability to use abstract thinking allows adolescents to think of themselves in terms of abstract characteristics. "Extravert" based on their talkativeness and cheerfulness.
Adolescents often begin to agonize over the contradictions in their behaviour and characteristics.
Self esteem is a person's overall subjective evaluation of their worth and the feelings they have about that evaluation.
high self-esteem = more hopeful, agentic
low self-esteem = feel worthless, hopeless
Variations in self-esteem
Although many adults think giving everyone a medal for participation is good for self-esteem, research suggests otherwise.
Brummelman et al.
study on inflated praise
Adults gave more inflated praise to a child with low self-esteem
Children tried to recreate a difficult painting
From "professional painter" received either
then given opportunity to recreate an easy or difficult picture
Inflated praise had
A definition of the self, often externally imposed
James Marcia:
Exploration | No Exploration | |
Commitment | Identity Achievement: achieved a coherent and consolidated identity - did this autonomously | Identity Foreclosure: not exploring, has made vocational or ideological identity based on the choices or values of others |
No commitment | Moratorium: exploring choices but has not made a clear commitment | Identity Diffusion: no firm commitments, not exploring in an effort to decide how to commit |
People tend to slowly progess toward identity achievement. Identity confusion not as severe as Erikson maintained, but related to adjustment and behaviour.
Function of Emotions
Components of emotions:
Emotion and Cognition
Emotions require some form of cognition to be activate (conscious or unconscious). Not all cognitions elicit emotions.
What's the difference bewteen emotions and cognitions?
Carrol Izard: emotions have to do with motivation, while cognition have to do with knowledge.
Affect is the term that encompasses moods and emotions.
Emotion is a relatively intense feeling triggered by a particular stimulis.
Anger: 4-6 months
Sadness 4 to 6 months
Fear: 7 months
Surprise: 6 months
Disgust: 4 months
Self-conscious: emotions which relate to our sense of self and our awareness of others' reactions to us
Typically develop around 2 or 3 years of age, e.g. guilt, shame, pride, embarrassment
Assessing facial expressions
facial action coding system: Noldus FaceReader 7
By 3 months children can distinguish between prototypical facial expressions of happiness, surprise, and anger.
By 7 months they can also distinguish between fear, sadness, and interest.
Social referencing: using others' emotional cues to decide how to react to novel or ambiguous stimuli.
Created by Walter Mischel, assessed delay of gratification.
Longitudinally predicted
Strategies were important for regulating
Processes used to monitor and modulate emotional experiences and expressions. Its emergence in childhood is a long, slow process.
Younger children use more behaviour strategies; older children employ more cognitive strategies.
With age, better employ strategies
Family's impact on children's emotion regulation
Parenting practices:
Emotional climate of the home: expressivity, attachment
Temperament: individual differences in emotion, activity level, and attention that are exhibited across contexts.
Present from infancy, seems quite stable, becomes more stable from year-to-year with age
Thought to be heavily genetic, but, subject to prenatal fectors, like teratogens.
Chess and Thomas: three temperament groups:
Modern approaches use within-person approach over between-person approach
Mary Rothbard: score children on five categories:
Temperament is important as it predicts behaviour in later life.
Ken Rubin et al.
(2006) did experiment on 2-year-olds from Australia, Canada, China, Italy, and South Korea.
Behavioural inhibition assessed by
Why might the caregiver-child attachment relationship matter?
Attachment is an enduring emotional bond with a person
Harry Harlow believed that healthy social and emotional development is rooted in children's early social interactions with caregivers. There's more to raising a child than attending to their physical need.
John Bowlby holds an ethological (not psychoanalytic approach) perspective. His attachment theory:
John proposed four phases of attachment:
Preattachment (birth to 6 weeks)
Infants produces innate signals that summon caregivers; caregivers provide comfort
Attachment-in-the-making (6 weeks to 6-8 months)
Infants show preferences for familiar people
Clear-cut attachment (6-8 months to 1.5 years)
Infants actively seek out caregivers
Mother typically becomes a secure base.
Reciprocal relationships (1.5 years+)
Mutually regulated relationship gradually emerges - cognitive and language abilities
Separation anxiety decrease
Internal working model of attachment
Mery Ainsworth
Two factors determine the quality of an infant's attachment
Developed an observational test known as the Strange Situation
Secure attachment (60%)
Insecure resistanat (or ambivalent; 10%)
Insecure avoidant (15%)
Disorganized (15%) - most concerning attachment style
show confused or contradictory behaviour
What causes individual differences in these attachment styles?
not really, but epigenetics seems to play a role, e.g. reactivity to stress
yes, particularly parental sensitivity
Warmth and arppropriate responsiveness to children
38% of infants whose mothers were insensitive had a secure attachment
Not particularly
Secure attachment linked to better social-emotional development
More close, harmonious relationships with peers
Better regulated, more socialble and socially competent
better romantic relationships in adolescence
Less depressed, anxious, or socially withdrawn
More helpful, sharing, and caring
Less delinquent and aggressive
Secure attachment linked to better cognitive outcomes:
Potential explanations for attachment's effects:
Internal working model
learning how to appropriately express emotion
insecurely attached children
Qualifying Fact(or)s?
Long-term effects of atatchment security are unclear
Attachment security changes over time
Attachment can differ between parents
having a secure attachment to one appears to reduce risk
Today, regarded as more continuous (within-person) and less categorical (between-person)
Families fulfill several functions, including
How this is done is impacted by family dynamics:
Parenting styles and Practices
Parenting styles: parenting behaviours and attitudes that set the emotinoal climate of parent-child interactions
Important dimensions of parenting style:
warmth, support and acceptance.
Control and demandingness
Dianna Baumrind identified four styles of parenting
High Warmth (Parent is accepting and child-centered) | Low Warmth (Parent is rejecting and parent-centered) | |
High Control (Parent expects mcuh of child) | Authoritative Parenting: relationship is reciprocal, responsive; high in bidirectional communication | Authoritarian Parenting: relationship is controlling, power-assertive; high in unidirectional communication |
Low Control (parent expects little of child) | Permissive parenting: relationship is indulgent; low in control attempts | Rejecting-neglecting Parenting: relationship is rejecting or neglecting; uninvolved |
Baumrind's Parenting Styles:
Style | Typical Parent Characteristics | Typical Child Characteristics |
Authoritative (high in control and high in warmth) | Set clear standards and limits for their children and enforce them firmly. Allow their children considerable autonomy within those limits. Are attentive and responsive to their children's concerns and needs, adn respect and consider their child's perspective. | Competent, self-assured, popular, can control their own behaviour. In childhood: low in antisocial behaviour. In adolescence: high in social and acanemic competence and positive behaviour, low in problem behaviour. |
Authoritarian (high in control and low in warmth) | Nonresponsive to their children's needs. Enforce their demands through the exercise of parental power and the use of threats and punishment. Are oriented toward obedience and authority. Expect their children to comply without question or explanation. | Low in social and academic competence in childhood and adolescence. As children, they tend to be unahppy and unfriendly, with boys affected more negatively than girls in early childhood. |
Permissive (low in control and high in warmth) | Responsive to their children's needs. Do nt require that their children regulate themselves or act in appropriate or mature ways. | As children, they tend to be impulsive, lacking inself-control, and low in school achievements. As adolscents, they engage in more school misconduct and drug use than do those with authoritative parents. |
Rejecting-Neglecting (low in control and low in warmth) | Do not set limits for or monitor their children's behaviour. Are not supportive of them, and sometimes are rejecting or neglectful. Tend to be focused on their won needs rather than their children's. | Infants and toddlers tend to have attachment problems. As children, they have poor peer relationships. Adolescents tend to show antisocial behaviour, poor self-regulatin, internalizing problems, substance abuse, risky sexual behaviour, and low academic and social competence. |
Baumrind's Parenting Styles: a modern take
Do parenting styles impact children's development?
Yes, but children also impact parents' styles. Parent-children interactions are bidirectional. Children's antisocial behaviour may elicit less warmth and more control.
Seen as more context-dependent. Amount of control varies depending on the situation.
Again, treated as more continuous and less categorical.
New categories? - Helicopter parenting (parents over-controlling and over-involving in their children's lives, very high control, not really healthy for their children's development)
How have family structures changed in recent years?
Same-sex parents
Twice as many children living with gay or lesbian parents in 2011 compared to 2001.
59% are biologically related to one parent
Are they any better or worse as parents?
basically the same
their children don't differ on
Children report
Divorced parents
Children whose parents separate show
child's age
whether child is caught in the middle
parental conflict before and after the divorce
poorer parenting (before and after)
economic stressors
lack of meaningful interactions with non-resident parent
increased residential mobility
Can be positive if
Is often negative if
Tend to be easier for stepfathers than stepmothers:
Cost of parenting and working
Average cost = $13,000 per child per year, $243,660 by age 18
More parents working now than ever
How does work impact parenting?
Effects of childcare: a very brief summary
Does this impact attachment security?
Does it have other positive or negative effects on children?
Depends largely on
Quabec Childcare Policy
Originally $5 per day per child for childcare
Less financial strain on low-income families who have to work
Provided more financial incentive for mothers to work
Program has paid for itself
Key words Definitions
Moral Judgement: deciding whether an action is morally right or wrong.
Moral Reasoning: justifications for one's moral decisions.
Moral emotions: emotions that reflect internalized moral principles
Moral behaviours: actions consistent with moral principles.
Conscience: internal regulatory mechanism which tries to guide a person to behave in accord with their internalized moral norms.
Piaget's Theory of Moral Judgement:
Moral rules are product of social interactions and therefore modifiable
Interactions with peers were more important for moral reasoning than interactions with adults
He asked children about what
Younger than 7 years
Chilren see rules and obedience to authority as a given
Don't consider motives or intentions,
Is the action consistent with what authority wants?
Transitional Period
7 or 8 to 10 years
As children
they learn to
which leads them to increasingly value fairness and equality.
Age 11 or 12
Not blindly obedient to authority
Rules are based on social agreement, can be changed if most people agree to it
Consider intentions in evaluating wrongfullness
Recognize that "punishment should fit the crime"
Most children achieve this stage
What they do depends on
Support and Criticisms
peer interaction doesn't automatically stimulate moral development
Quality, not quantity
When intentions are made more obvious, children consider them easier
Young children aren't blind to authority
Build upon Piaget's Theory
How we reason about morality is key
People progress through six hierarchical stages, which can be split into 3 levels
Heinz Dilemma
A woman was near death from a special kind of cancer. There was one drug that the doctors thought might save her. It was a form of radium that a druggist in the same town had recently discovered. The drug was expensive to make, but the druggist was charging ten times what the drug cost him to produce. He paid $200 for the radium and charged $2,000 for a small dose of the drug.
The sick woman's husband, Heinz, went to everyone he knew to borrow the money, but he could only get together about $1,000 which is half of what it cost. He told the druggist that his wife was dying and asked him to sell it cheaper or let him pay later. But the drug developer said: “No, I discovered the drug and I'm going to make money from it.” So Heinz got desperate and broke into the man's store to steal the drug for his wife.
Should Heinz steal the drug or not?
Levels of Moral Reasoning
Stage 1: punishment and obedience orientation
Stage 2: instrumental and exchange orientation
Stage 3: Good boy/Nice girl Orientation
Stage 4: Law and Order orientation
Stage 5: Social Contract Orientation
Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principle Orientation
Example 1:
Ashley borrowed her father’s car. She and her friend Kayla were very late coming home that evening. They were further delayed at a stop light on a quiet street. After what seemed to be an unnecessary long wait, Kayla reminded Ashley that they were late. Ashley continued to wait, insisting that if everyone ignored stop lights when it was personally convenient to do so, no street would be safe.
Ashley demonstrated conventional level moral reasoning (stage 4), since she upholds the law for the good of the society.
Example 2:
Jordan was not prepared for a difficult chemistry exam, so he wrote some important formulas on a slip of paper which he put in his pocket before the test. Just before the test began, the teacher informed the class that any student caught cheating would automatically fail the test. Even though Jordan needed the information he wrote, he didn't use it because the teacher stood too close to his desk during the entire exam.
Jordan demonstrated pre-conventional level moral reasoning (stage 1), since he didn't cheat because of his fear of punishment.
Kohlbergian reasoning over the lifespan
While Kohlberg's Theory puts moral (post-conventional) over social (conventional) over personal (pre-conventional), Social Domain Theory puts three parellel to each other.
Domain Distinctions
Is it okay to hit someone? Is it okay to talk without raising your hand?
What if the teacher says it's okay? What if you don't get in trouble? What if there was no rule about it?
Children make simple domain distinctions by age 3.
Empathy, sympathy, guilt, ...
Why do we feel these sometimes and others not? How can we promote them?
sharing in antoher's emotional state
first signs at 8 months
Personal distress
Other emotions
Lower-order emotions promote higher-order ones
Parental factors that predict moral development:
Discipline and Moral Development
Martin Hoffman's Theory of Inductive Discipline
Why might it not work always?
A blend of techniques may be necessary
John Grusec: efficiency of discipline is moderated by several factors
Happy-Victimizer Finding
About 50% of 3- and 4-year-olds report feeling happy in response to hyopthetically victimizing another
10% of 8-year-holds report feeling the same way
This despite understanding that
Behaviour aimed at harming at others
peeks around 2 years, decreases steadily until age 5, but those who persist show more problems.
Proactive | Reactive | |
Physical | Proactive Physical | Reactive Physical |
Relational | Proactive Relational | Reactive Relational |
Aggressive behaviour that is repetitive, targeted, involves a power differential
Bullies: more emotionally callous, often higher status
Victims: face more peer rejection, more likely to be depressed
Bully-victims: aggressive, though anxious, sho hostile attribution biases
What's very effective at stop bullying?
Sticking up for victims
Factors underlying children's moral behaviour:
Prosocial behaviour:
Antisocial behaviour: