If there is an adding error on your assignment, bring it to the tutors and we will correct it on the spot.
If you feel that you did not receive a fair mark for your assignment you may request that we remark it. We will accept remark requests only up to and including the dates listed under Remark Deadlines at the bottom of the page. We will not accept remark requests on the day that assignments are handed back. To be fair to all students, we will remark all requests together, after the deadline.
Important Note: We will examine your entire assignment/midterm when remarking it. It is possible that you will receive a lower mark than your current mark.
For programming assignments, if your assignment has an error due to a small mistake in your code, you may request a remark with a 5% penalty to the new mark you will receive for the assignment. A mistake in your code could be something similar to missing a semi colon, forgetting to remove commented code or uncommenting code. Assignment remarks are not an oppurtunity for you to make corrections in your assignment and resubmiting. Also, assignment remarks are for when assignments have been autotested. We will only accept a SMALL number of changes to your code.
You must fill out the Remark Request Form to apply for a programming assignment remark, and staple it to the front of your assignment.
Submit all remark requests to a Tutor during office hours or lecture.
If you have any questions about the policy, or if you are in a situation not described above, send an email to the Tutors at cs133@student.cs.waterloo.ca or the Instructional Support Coordinator Chris Ingram at c2ingram@cs.uwaterloo.ca.