Course Grade
The course grade will be determined as follows.
testMark = 0.5*final + 0.25*midterm
completeGrade = 0.5*final + 0.25*midterm + 0.05*labs + 0.20*assignments
if (testMark < 37.5) // Failing average of exams
{ finalGrade = min(testMark, completeGrade)
{ finalGrade = completeGrade
- This calculation implies that if you do not pass the weighted average
of the exams, you fail the course. Furthermore, in this case your final
grade is calculated using zero for your assignments and labs (i.e., the
maximum mark you can earn is 37.5%).
- As labs and assignments are worth a small portion of the final grade,
there is only a modest immediate benefit derived from completing them.
Students may find this frustrating, as they devote the largest amount of
time to these components of the course. However, completing the
lab exercises and assignments will definitely improve a student's
performance on examinations.