CS 246E - Object-Oriented Software Development

Office Hours

The instructor and ISA will hold weekly online video office hours on MS Teams.

All students can download MS Teams for free here. It is highly recommended to download the MS Teams app for your computer/phone rather than use a web browser as the connection quality for audio/video is better over the app.

Please check the course outline and Piazza for announcements regarding office hour times. If you have a complex question, please attend one of the scheduled hours for clarification. If the times do not work for you, please send an email to the ISA or the instructor and they can try to schedule a different time.

During office hours, send a chat message over MS Teams that you would like to meet (search for bmlushma for Prof. Lushman, search for gl3zhang for the ISA). You will receive a call over MS Teams in the order of messages received. Please wait patiently until called as the instructor/ISA may be busy with another student.

Outside of office hours, please post your questions on CS246E Piazza. (We prefer Piazza over e-mails/messages using Teams.)