Exam Information
A missed test/exam receives a mark of 0, unless there is a documented reason. If a documented reason is provided for missing the midterm, its weight is applied to the final exam. If a documented reason is provided for missing the final exam, a grade of INC is given, and the final exam must be written at the end of the next term the course is offered. A copy of the documented reason must be given to the Instructional Support Coordinator.
Here is the procedure for making a marking appeal:
- Grade appeals are accepted until Monday, November 18.
- Read the questions and answers first.
- Compare your answers to the standard answers CAREFULLY. It is your responsibility to determine where you lost marks and to understand the difference between what you did and what you were expected to do.
- Email the IA managing grade appeals from your uwaterloo account; include your student number and your linux.student.cs userid.
- List the question parts where marks were incorrectly withheld or deducted. State why you think the marks should be changed. Please do not just say, "because I deserve more marks" or "because it works". In this course, it is just as important how it works as if it works.
- Remember that requesting a remark may result in a lower grade.
Final Exam
The following previous final exams are available: Fall 22, Winter 24.
The following previous final exam answers are available: Fall 22. Winter 24,
Note, every instructor is unique emphasizing different points and teaching at different speeds. As a result, some previous exams may have questions about material not covered in the current term and/or missing topics relevant for this term's exam.
The majority of the final exam covers the material in the course notes from Section 6.3.4 to Section 11.6, inclusive, the section in the course textbook on automatic/implicit-signal monitors, and assignments 4-6.
Seating information is posted approximately 5 days before the exam.