Course Coordinator
Peter Buhr
Email: Office: DC 2504
Email: Office: DC2504 Office Hours: By appointment (arrange by email) Lectures: LEC 001 16:00-17:20TTh MC 2054
If you have questions about course material, contact your instructor.
Instructional Support Coordinator (ISC)
Deven Bradshaw Wolff
Email: Office: MC 4009
If you have medical or personal issues affecting your ability to hand in an assignment or attend an examination, contact the ISC.
Instructional Assistant (IA)
Edward Lee (Interaction: assignment questions and on-line office hours)
Email: Office Hours: Wednesday 2:30-3:30, DC 3548. Friday before assignment deadlines, online, usually 2-3pm (check Piazza). Monday before assigment deadlines, DC 3548, usually 2-3pm (check Piazza). If you have questions about an assignment that cannot be answered on the course discussion forum, contact this IA.
Tavian Barnes (Management: grade review, mark updates, in-person office hours)
Email: Office Hours: In-person/On-line: time/location TBA. If you have questions about mark deductions on assignments or exams, contact this IA.