Week 05 - Data formats
Please watch the videos prior to attending class on Wed.
Mobile Applications
Android features and architecture. Android composables.
Data formats
Using common data formats for storing and transmission data. JSON serialization.
Wed (in-class)
In the first 15-20 mins of this class, the instructor will walkthrough the topics below. The remainder of the class will be a working session for you and your team.
Building mobile applications
Walk through a port of our desktop app to mobile. Gradle configuration. Jetpack compose.
Sprint planning meeting
Review your project requirements, and make decisions on your goals for the first sprint!
- See M4-M6 Releases: Planning for details.
Tips for your meeting:
- Write meeting minutes! See M4-M6 Releases: Development for details.
- Leave all issues unassigned except for those that you want in-scope for the sprint. Work should be assigned to individuals on the team, and added to the appropriate milestone.
- Issues can be anything that needs to be done! An issue can be a feature, or writing unit tests, or fixing a bug, or investigating how to do something.
- Try and deliver completed features as much as possible e.g., a working feature is better than three or four half-done features.
- Remember that we still have database, service lectures later in the course. You don't need to do everything right-away.
Fri (in-class)
Fri is a dedicated working session for you and your team. The instructor and TAs will be present to answer questions.
- Submit Q4
- Release 1 Planning!