# Week 12 - Documentation

Published 2024-11-18

# Lectures

Please watch the videos prior to attending class on Wed.

# Documentation

CS346-12-01-Documentation.mp4 105MB
CS346-12-01-Documentation.pdf 2.07MB

# Wed (in-class)

Most of the class will be a working session for you and your team.

# Sprint planning meeting

Review your project requirements, and make decisions on your goals for the final sprint!

See M4-M6 Releases: Planning for details.

  • If you had issues that were incomplete at the end of your first release, consider moving them into this release.
  • This is your last release, so finalizing features and stabilizing things should be your top priority.

# Fri (in-class)

Fri is a dedicated working session for you and your team. The instructor and TAs will be present to answer questions.