# Plugins

Plugins that add configuration or build tasks to your project, See Toolchain > Gradle for details.

# Core Plugins

These are included with with Gradle. See Gradle documentation.

  • java: Base plugin for many JVM projects. Adds Java compilation.
  • application: Extends Java plugin to create a runnable application. Use this for console applications.
  • java-library: Extends Java plugin to support building a Java library. Use this if you are building a shared module in a multi-project build.

# Community Plugins

Community plugins that can extend your build's functionality. Search the Gradle plugin portal.

  • Dependency Analysis can analyze your dependencies and locate errors in config files. Use this if you get strange dependency errors!
  • Shadow is a plugin for creating fat/uber JARs. Useful for creating standalone console applications. This is not recommended for Android or Compose projects.