

Slides are posted here before class: click on the topics below. Topics and dates may change as the course progresses.

1Sep 6Introduction, Interactive Systems
2Sep 11Web Applications, TypeScriptA0
3Sep 18Drawing, Input Events
4Sep 25Hit Testing, Animation
5Oct 2Widgets, Event DispatchA1
Oct 9Reading Week
6Oct 16Layout, MVC
Midterm on Wed Oct 18, 7 pm
7Oct 23HTML CSS, Visual DesignA2
8Oct 30Text, Asynchronous
9Nov 6Undo, Direct ManipulationA3
10Nov 13Preact 1, Preact 2
11Nov 20Preact 3
12Nov 27Accessibility, Computer VisionA4
13Dec 4Review
Final Exam in exam period

Demo Code Repo


You should clone and frequently pull from this repo. It has code relating to lectures and the SimpleKit UI toolkit, see the README for details.

Made with ❤ using spacebook with Eleventy, Tailwind, and Alpine.js