Contact Us

We have a large number of people involved in running this course each term.

  • Dr. Jeff Avery (j2avery@), Instructor, responsible for course design and instruction.

  • Caroline Kierstead (ctkierst@), Instructional Support Coordinator (ISC), handles academic integrity and course accomodations.

  • Yuan (Constant) Chen (y2238che@), PhD Student, Teaching Assistant.

  • Xiaoyan Xu (x439xu@), Masters Student, Teaching Assistant.

  • Licheng Zhang (l345zhan@), Masters Student, Teaching Assistant.

Given that we have a flipped classroom, the easiest and best way to get help is during lectures.

To reach us outside of class, you can post on our Piazza forums. When possible, please save detailed technical questions for class; they’re much easier to address in-person!