The course outline is available here.
Brad Lushman
DC 3110, bmlushma
Office hours: W 12:00-1:20. Other times by appointment.
TTh, 11:30-12:50, in MC 2034
At most two assignments may be handed in 48 hours late. As this is a superset of the 48-hour absence provision, 48-hour absence requests will not be granted for assignments.
February 27-28
The midterm will be a take-home midterm. You will receive it in class on February 27. It will be due in my office at 11:30am February 28. If a 48-hour absence is declared, the weight of the midterm will transfer to the final.
Wednesday, April 24, 9:00-11:30am
The final exam is not take-home.
We will use Piazza for announcements and clarifications. Please make sure you are enrolled.