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You will be required to meet as a full team
at least once every two weeks.
Each meeting is to have an agenda and protocol
precise enough and small enough that it can be expected to
last under two hours.
The team must keep
a common record of the agendas together with
what was proposed, discussed, decided, accomplished.
The Instructor reserves the right to ask to see this record.
Apart from these meetings, you should:
exchange full names, phone numbers, e-mail ids, addresses;
establish a method for between-meeting communication
and consultation;
organize a common bulletin-board file to record items to do,
milestones, tasks, assignments, progress, etc.;
establish a firm, meeting schedule at which everyone
can, and is expected to be, present;
spend time getting to know each other and share any
concerns you have about the team, the arrangements, and the course;
agree upon and establish a written guide for a uniform
implementation code style.
A useful form for meetings is one in which
one person is responsible for keeping things tightly
on schedule, one person keeps summary notes,
and some effort is made to cover:
an update on each person's progress in their assigned tasks,
an update on the progress toward each goal,
a review of the progress chart and any necessary revisions,
an analysis of workloads and schedules with any necessary
revisions and redistributions,
the setting of deadlines and goals for the next meeting,
an evaluation of how well the team is functioning
and an effort to air and resolve difficulties,
a review of any past decisions that appear not to be working
and need to be revised.
Mon Sep 9 09:16:07 EDT 1996