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Decision strategies may vary from team to team,
but each team should establish early, and firmly,
how it will make its important decisions.
Since it is unlikely that all members will agree with
all decisions, some mechanism must be established
to make decisions in the face of conflicting ideas.
Three schemes that have been
tried with success are:
Decision by Majority
in which a vote by more than half the members of the team
carries the decision
(more difficult in small teams, especially with an even number
of members);
Decision by Unanimous Consent
in which discussion proceeds, and the decision
is revised, until all are satisfied
that the decision is truly the best choice
(which may take a significant amount of time on occasions);
Decision by Consensus
in which the team discussion is open and
responsive to the views of all participants and
the decision, while not necessarily exactly what everyone
finds optimal, is still understood by all, was influenced
by all, and can be accepted by all
(which requires a significant degree of honesty, openness,
and maturity from all participants).
In making decisions it is well to remember that
a function of the regular meetings should be any necessary
re-assessment of past decisions in the light of experience.
Never make a decision that is not open to adjustment.
Mon Sep 9 09:16:07 EDT 1996