Final Project

The final project is a requirement only for graduate students taking CS 651.

The topic of the final project can be on anything you wish in the space of big data. Anything reasonably related to topics that we covered in the course is within scope. For reference, there are three types of projects you might consider:

You may work in groups of up to three, or you can also work by yourself if you wish. The amount of effort devoted to the project should be proportional to the number of people in the team. As a guideline, the level of effort should be comparable to two assignments per person.

When you are ready, send me ( ) an email describing what you'd like to work on. I will provide you with feedback on appropriateness and scope of your proposed project. The "soft" deadline for this proposal is November 13, 2019. There is no penalty if you miss this deadline, but it is in your best interest to not leave this proposal to the last minute.

The deliverable for the final project is a report. Use the ACM Templates. The contents of the report will vary depending on the type of project you are doing. However, it should certainly describe the goal of you project (what is your learning objective, or what problem are you trying to solve), your methodology, and some kind of evaluation of your results or progress. There are no hard limits on the length of your final report, but you should target something in the range of 5-10 pages.

The (hard) deadline for submission of your project report is 1pm on December 4, 2018.

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