CS785 Intelligent Computer Interfaces

Prof. Robin Cohen



CS785 Slides and Readings



Natural Language:           Lecture slides I    Lecture slides II

Graeme Hirst
A foundation for semantic interpretation

Perrault Allen and Cohen
Speech Acts as the Basis for Understanding Dialogue Coherence

Cohen and Perrault
Elements of a Plan-Based Theory of Speech Acts


Plan Recognition:            Lecture slides

Perrault and Allen
 A Plan-Based Analysis of Indirect Speech Acts

 Modeling the User's Plans and Goals

 A Model of Plan Inference that Distinguishes between the beliefs of actors and observers

 A formal theory of plan recognition and its implementation (1987)


Discourse:            Lecture slides

Grosz and Sidner
Attention, Intentions and the Structure of Discourse  1986

 Rich and Sidner
Segmented Interaction History in a Collaborative Interface Agent


Natural Language Generation:          

Aravind Joshi
Generation: A New Frontier for Natural Language Processing?

Kathy McKeown
Discourse strategies for generating natural language text
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0004-3702(85)90082-7 Direct to PDF version of paper.

Cecile Paris
Tailoring object descriptions to a user's level of expertise

A set of slides presented by Fei Song September 17, 2012.

A set of slides presented by Fei Song May 18, 2016.


User Modeling:            Lecture slides

Robert Kass and Tim Finin
Modeling the User in Natural Language Systems


Intelligent Agents:            Lecture slides

Michael Wooldridge and Nicholas Jennings
Intelligent Agents: Theory and Practice

M. Fleming
User Modeling in the Design of Interactive Interface Agents

Pattie Maes
Agents that Reduce Work and Information Overload


Multiagent Systems: Part I           Lecture slides I -Lecture slides II

B. Chaib-Draa, R. Moulin, R. Mandiau and P. Millot;
Trends in Distributed Artificial Intelligence; Artificial Intelligence Review 6, 35-66, 1992. Kluwer Academic Publishers


Multiagent Systems: Part II          

Jie Zhang, Robin Cohen;
Evaluating the trustworthiness of advice about seller agents in e-marketplaces: A personalized approach
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications Volume 7, Issue 3, Autumn 2008, Pages 330–340

J Zhang, R Cohen, K Larson;
Combining Trust Modeling and Mechanism Design for Promoting Honesty in E‐Marketplaces
Computational Intelligence, May 2012, online version

T Tran, R Cohen;
Improving user satisfaction in agent-based electronic marketplaces by reputation modelling and adjustable product quality
Proceeding AAMAS '04 Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems - Volume 2 Pages 828 - 835


Datamining:           Lecture slides

          A valuable set of slides presented in 2009 by a guest speaker is here.

Information Retrieval:           Lecture slides

          General Reference: CACM Volume 39, Number 1

Peter Vanderheyden and Robin Cohen
Adaptive User Interfaces for Information Extraction

AI and Education:           Lecture slides

Knowledge Bases and Case-Based Reasoning:           Lecture slides I   Lecture slides II

J. Borron, D. Morales and P. Klahr;
Developing and Deploying Knowledge on a Global Scale;
AI Magazine Volume 17 Number 4 (1996)


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Last Updated:  03-Jun-16