IS Sites:
IS Electronic BB's & news Groups:
electronic newsletter for faculty, students, and practitioners in
the field of Information systems. INFOSYS publishes news items,
requests for assistance, calls for papers announcements of professional
meetings and conferences, position announcements, journal table of
contents, and other items of interest to the Information Systems
community. INFOSYS is published biweekly, more frequently if volume
requires it. To subscribe to INFOSYS send the following one-line
e-mail message to
subscribe infosys yourfirstname
yourlastname (e.g., subscribe infosys John Smith) |
You will receive a welcome letter that will tell you
more about INFOSYS and listserv. To cancel your subcription send the
following message to
unsubscribe infosys
ISWorld is an email distribution list intended to serve the general
needs of the Information Systems community, to provide a forum for
discussion of all aspects of IS/IT, and to become the primary
mailing list for providing communication among the IS community
throughout the world. It can be used for a variety of applications,
including requests for information (but with encouragement to reply
to the individual posting the request, rather than replying to the
entire list; if appropriate, the collective responses should later
be broadcast as a single message by the person who made the original
request). to subscribe to ISWorld, send a message to LISTSERV@irlearn.ucd.die
that contains the single line:
ISW orld your-first-name your-last-name |
Please note: since ISWorld accepts postings only from
subscribed members, you must send messages to ISWorld from the
address that you initially subscribed from. If you attempt to send
messages from another address it will be returned to you by the list
server. |