CS 146: Elementary Algorithm Design and Data Abstraction (Advanced Version)

For Prospective Students

The main qualifications for CS 146, as for CS 145, are ability to reason and think abstractly, and enthusiasm for learning.

Good English reading and listening comprehension skills, and the ability to take notes, are also important.

Prior experience in programming is not necessary, though the right kind of prior experience may offer some advantage.

Students who earn a mark of 70% or higher in CS 145 may enroll in CS 146. Other students may seek instructor consent. To apply for instructor consent, please e-mail the instructor (see the Personnel page for details) with the following information:

  • Your full name and UW student number.
  • The reasons that you feel you are qualified to take CS 146.
  • Any other information that you think may be pertinent to your case. (The information that those seeking to enroll in CS 145 were asked to provide is detailed in the Prospective Students section of the CS 145 course Web page, and this would also be helpful for CS 146.)

If you wish to ask any questions regarding your particular situation, please e-mail the instructor. Contact information can be found on the Personnel page.


Last modified on Tuesday, 04 January 2022, at 16:59 hours.