CS 343 - Concurrent and Parallel Programming

Exam Information

A missed test/exam receives a mark of 0, unless there is a documented reason. If a documented reason is provided for missing the midterm, its weight is applied to the final exam. If a documented reason is provided for missing the final exam, a grade of INC is given, and the final exam must be written at the end of the next term the course is offered. A copy of the documented reason must be given to the Instructional Support Coordinator.


The following previous midterm exams are available: Fall 22, Winter 23.

The following previous midterm exam answers are available: Fall 22, Winter 23.

Note, every instructor is unique, emphasizing different points and teaching at different speeds. As a result, some previous exams may have questions about material not covered in the current term and/or missing topics relevant for this term's exam.

The midterm covers the material in the course notes from Section 1 to Section 6.3, inclusive, and Assignments 1-3.

Final Exam

The following previous final exams are available: Fall 22, Winter 23.

The following previous final exam answers are available: Fall 22. Winter 23,

Note, every instructor is unique emphasizing different points and teaching at different speeds. As a result, some previous exams may have questions about material not covered in the current term and/or missing topics relevant for this term's exam.

The majority of the final exam covers the material in the course notes from Section 6.3 to Section 11.6, inclusive, assignments 4-6. However, the exam is comprehensive and some questions from earlier content will be asked.

Seating information is posted approximately 5 days before the exam.