This project is for undergraduate students taking CS 451.
In this project, we tackle the exciting problem of predicting the cryptocurrency market. Specifically, we will try to predict the price of Bitcoin (BTC) in the next minutes or hours. In traditional technical analysis, we utilize various metrics such as the relative strength index (RSI) to quantify market conditions. For example, they indicate if we are in an oversold or undervalued condition to predict future movements of Bitcoin price. These techniques rely on computing some metrics based on the historical market data. In this project, we are going to augment these techniques with the insight we obtain from Bitcoin blockchain data to improve their prediction power. Thanks to big data tools, we can obtain a much deeper insight into what is happening in the Bitcoin network. We are going to analyze the data in the Bitcoin blockchain to predict the future price of Bitcoin. But is this a big data problem? Bitcoin adds a new block to its blockchain about every 10 minutes. Each block is about 1 MB and the blockchain has more than 700,000 blocks. At the moment, the size of the entire Bitcoin blockchain is more than 370 GB and it is growing very fast. So it is indeed a big data problem which is getting more and more difficult.
In this project, you will utilize what you have learnt in this course to make a series of predictions about the Bitcoin future price. Specifically, you use big data frameworks such as Apache Spark or Apache Hadoop to predict how the market will change in the near future. The time window of the prediction can be minutes to a few hours. It is up to you to decide what time window to use in your evaluation. Your algorithm may only indicate the direction of movement (e.g., higher, lower, or no change), or specify the amount of change (e.g., +$240 in 15 minutes).
Here is a rough outline of what you should do:
You are allowed to use any big data framework or library. This is the time to utilize existing tools rather than reinventing them as we did in the assignments. Your project must use the Bitcoin blockchain data. Just fitting a line to the historical Bitcoin price is not acceptable. The prediction window is very small, but it does not mean you have to use streaming frameworks. You can implement and evaluate your algorithm on offline traces too.
This project can be done individually or in groups of up to 3 members. It is highly recommended to work in a group. You can use the Piazza's teammate search post to look for teammates. The amount of effort devoted to the project should be proportional to the number of people in the team. As a guideline, the level of effort should be comparable to two assignments per person.
The output of this project should be a short video up to 5 minutes (Note: longer videos will not be accepted even if it is 5:01!). In the video, explain (1) the idea, (2) methodology used, (3) implementation, and (4) results. You should design and implement an evaluation methodology that measures the accuracy of the results. For example, an algorithm can be trained on a subset of data and evaluated on the rest of the data. You must compare your algorithm’s predictions with the ground truth data.
Please submit your project here. Each group must submit only once.
Important node: This is a research project meaning that after spending a lot of time on an idea, it may still fail! This is perfectly acceptable for this project. You still need to present the 4 deliverable items in your video and conclude that idea X is not a suitable methodology for predicting the Bitcoin price. Finding out that a methodology does not work is also valuable in research. The amount of effort devoted to the project should be proportional to the number of people in the team. As a guideline, the level of effort should be comparable to two to three assignments per person.
The (hard) deadline for submission of your project report is 4 pm on Tuesday December 14, 2021.
This project is for graduate students taking CS 651.
Your project is the same as the CS451 project except in addition to the video you also submit a paper on what you have done in the project. Please see the deliverables below. You may work in groups of up to three, or you can also work by yourself if you wish. The amount of effort devoted to the project should be proportional to the number of people in the team. As a guideline, the level of effort should be comparable to two assignments per person.
The deliverables for the final project are a report and a video.
The (hard) deadline for submission of your project report is 4 pm on Tuesday December 14, 2021.
Please submit your project here. Each group must submit only once.