in particular, read "UART Register Descriptions" in Section 14.1
ignore "Modem Register Descriptions" starting on Page 14-25
UART1 = COM1, train control, 2400 baud, 8N2, flow control
UART2 = COM2, terminal, 115200 baud, 8N1, no flow control
transmit and receive FIFO: throughput vs. latency trade-off
Track/Train Specifics
train speed: 0-14; 15 for reverse
model trains simulate real-world stopping by gradually slowing down
we want to preserve this important characteristic
⇒ do not directly reverse rolling train!
turnout commands: straight, curved
special command: turn off (last) solenoid
IMPORTANT: After sending a turnout command, you must wait at least 100ms and at most 500ms. Then, either switch another turnout (which automatically turns off the previous solenoid) or explicitly turn off the last solenoid!
sensors: query some/all, reset
read reports after query
recommendation: operate half-duplex, i.e., do not send train commands while receiving sensor data