Read Me First

Welcome to CS135!

Thank you for setting out on a learning journey with us. No matter whether you’ve never programmed before or have considerable programming experience, we have a place for you. We hope to guide you through a carefully designed curriculum that introduces you to core concepts in computer science. More than 11,000 students have successfully made this journey with us in the past.

In a typical week, you will move through the following activities:

  • Attend lectures on Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Attend a tutorial on Fridays
  • Perhaps attend office hours to clarify questions you may have
  • Work on your assignment, submitting it by Tuesday, 9:00pm.

Things to do to get started

  1. Browse this website: This is the central hub for CS135. Most of the information you’ll need is found here. You should get a feel for what information is where so you can find it quickly in the future.
  2. Review the Calendar: Click the “Calendar” tab in the table of contents on the left. Note the following the very near future:
    • First lecture on Tuesday, January 6.
    • First tutorial on Friday, January 10.
    • A00 due on Tuesday, January 14. This will be the topic of the first tutorial; wait until then to get started.
  3. Register for iClicker Cloud: Most lectures have “clicker questions” to help you gauge your level of understanding. More details at Assessment->Class Participation .

What about Learn ?

CS135 does not use Learn.