CS 487/687 and CM 433/730 :  Introduction to Symbolic Computation

CS 687 and CM 730 Projects

For graduate students, a course project is required which will account for 20% of your final mark. This will consist of reviewing a particular topic (generally 2 or 3 related paper, possibly 3), and in some cases doing an implementation. The written part of the project will typically be about 10 pages long and should be properly structured and supported by appropriate citations of all materials.

Undergraduate students may elect to do a project for extra credit.

Here are some suggested Project Topics.

But please, propose any avenue of investigation you wish, and come and discuss this with me. In particular, consider something connected to your thesis research!

The project is due Thursday, April 6, 2023


Last modified on Wednesday, 08 February 2023, at 22:07 hours.