Sprint 1: Proposal
- 15-20 minute presentation
- slides
- team name, project name
- problem to be solved / opportunity identified
- intended users
- limitations of existing solutions
- your idea/plan
- stakeholder interaction - feedback
- paper prototype/gui mockup
- report (just 1/2 page this sprint) - due Friday on Slack
- describe team organization
- describe infrastructure setup
- give TA and instructor access to code repo
- critiques (up to 1/2 page per team) - due Friday on Slack
- constructive criticism on problem domain/project idea
- constructive criticism on proposed product/solution
Sprints 2-4: Status Reports
- There will be five two-week sprints over the last 10 weeks of the
term. Sprints 2 - 4 will end with a team meeting with the TA and
instructor and submission of a report (on slack).
- The report should be at least one page and at most two pages, PDF
format. It should cover:
- Features/tasks completed by each student
- Commit hashs corresponding to completed features
- Evaluate overall state of project
- Features/tasks for next sprint
- There is no rubric for this component. We will be evaluating
progress and/or effort for each sprint.
Sprint 5: End of Term Presentation
- The last sprint of the term ends in a class presentation and demo.
- The slide deck for the presentation will be counted as the final
report and must be submitted on slack in PDF format.
- This sprint is worth 45% of the term grade and is broken down as:
- presentation and demo 5%,
- technical achievement 35% (complexity, usability, design
robustness), and
- process 5% (testing, planning, risk management).
- The presentation should tell the story of how you developed your
product. It would likely contain most of these elements:
- problem description,
- review of existing solutions,
- your solution design and features,
- your process and who did what,
- challenges (what you tried; what you learned by trying),
- user testing if appropriate,
- other testing,
- a demo (live or pre-recorded),
- features planned for next term, and
- risk identification and planning for next term.
- The presentation should be 20-25 minutes in length. Practice
it and time it beforehand. Time overruns will hurt the
presentation grade.