SE 101 Design Project
Lego Mindstorms Tracking Robot
Technical Memo |
Wednesday September 29 at 4:30 P.M. |
Draft Design
Report |
Thursday October 14 at 4:30 P.M. |
Exercise I |
Friday November 5 at 4:30 P.M. |
Solution |
Wednesday November 10 at 4:30 P.M. |
Robot Demos
and Races |
Thursday November 11, in lab |
Design Report |
Monday November 15 at 4:30 P.M. |
Exercise II |
Thursday November 18 at 4:30 P.M. |
- The primary purpose of the design project is for you to practice
a formal engineering report, in the manner of a work-term report -
you submit one of your four co-op work-term reports.
- In this project, you will write software to control a robot that
with the real world - it follows a path defined by "trail signs" placed
in the real world.
- You will work in teams made up of three subteams, with each
up of three to four people.
- Ambitious teams may choose to design a robot that not only
follows a
but finishes the path as quickly as possible
Lego Tracking Robot
Your project is to write software for a provided Lego Mindstorms
robot so that it imitates some of the behaviour of the CS 133
TrackingRobot that is introduced
in Practicum in week 2. We'll call our robot the Lego Tracking
Robot. Like the CS 133
TrackingRobot, the Lego Tracking Robot travels along a grid of avenues
and streets, from intersection to intersection, using information that
it senses at its current intersection (e.g., the colour of the ground
below the robot)
to determine what its next move should be. Although the Lego
Tracking Robot will perform some of the same tasks as the CS 133
TrackingRobot, the Java classes for the two programs are very different
from each other.
The CS 133 TrackingRobot moves around a virtual world defined by a
World object. This World object defines all of the objects (e.g.,
robots, walls, beepers) in the world and their location. A CS 133
TrackingRobot can quickly determine its immediate surroundings via
queries (e.g., frontIsClear(), isBesideThing()).
It can move easily from one intersection to the next via a simple
move() instruction.
It can turn left or turn right via simple instructions. It can
up beepers and put down beepers it is holding. Multiple robots
occupy the same intersection.
All of these tasks are much harder for Lego robots because these
interact with the real world rather than a virtual world. In
most of the code for controlling a Lego robot is concerned with trying
to assess the robot's location and surroundings. In the
world, avenues, streets, and intersections are mapped out by coloured
tape. Each Lego robot has two light sensors, which will be used
to sense the colour of the ground beneath the robot. The robots
also have buttons that you can use to load and run programs.
There are primitive instructions that you can use in your code to read
the inputs of these sensors. In addition, each Lego
robot has a motorized left wheel, an independently motorized right
and a small LCD display. These are the only outputs for the
Again, there are primitive instructions that you can use to turn these
motors on and off, and to write to the display.
Project Requirements
An executing Lego Tracking Robot will follow a trail along
a grid of avenues and streets.
At each intersection, the robot identifies the colour of the
and uses that information to determine what its next move should
be: at an orange
intersection, the robot makes a right
turn, and then continues moving forward; at a black intersection, the robot makes
a left turn, and then
continues moving forward; and at a green
intersection, the robot stops
moving (i.e., it has reached the end of the path).
This project is more complicated than
it sounds because the Lego sensors and motors
are imprecise. The light sensor, which is used to detect ground
colour, may return different values
for the same colour (or the same value for different colours!),
depending on the amount of light reflecting off of
the area it is sensing, or depending on the battery level. The
gears, and wheels are different
enough that a robot might not travel in a straight line even when
to run both motors at the same power for the same time interval. Your
team is responsible for writing code that compensates for imprecision
the sensors and motors.
Controller file
Your solution will be a LegoTracker class that
implements all of the methods declared in the Controller
- public abstract void
initController(AbstractRobot r); initializes controller to control robot r
- public abstract AbstractRobot getRobot(); returns robot that is associated with
(i.e., controlled by) controller
- public abstract int[] getSensors(); returns array of sensors
- public abstract void run(); start controller
- public abstract void halt(); stop controller
- public abstract void lightSensorListener(int sensorNumber);
react to change in light-sensor
- public abstract void touchSensorListener(int sensorNumber);
react to change in touch-sensor
- public abstract void setTimerExecution(int elapsedTimer); react to time-out event
We have provided a partial implementation of
this class,, that
implements the first five of these methods, so that you have to
implement only the methods that determine how your robot responds to
input events from the robot's sensors. You will add additional
private methods to this class, to make your program modular. But
your solution must provide implementations of the above public methods.
Much of your code will be calls to methods in
the AbstractRobot
class. This
class implements primitive methods for querying a robot's input
sensors, controlling the motors, and writing to the LCD display.
Take a good look at the help file (described under Simulator) for this
We expect your solution to be structured so that each distinct task
that your robot performs is implemented as a separate private
method. In implementing your methods, you are to adhere to the
style guidelines that are used in CS 133.
Project Teams
A team of nine to ten students will work on a LegoTracker class to
control one
robot. You will be assigned to a subteam of three or four
Your subteam will be one of three subteams that make up a team.
As a team, you will decide how to divvy up the work among the three
subteams. Your team is free to divide the work into tasks
and to assign tasks to subteams however it pleases, as long as the
entire team agrees to the division of work and to the allocation of
tasks. Your subteam is then responsible for completing its
portion of the
robot program. On Wednesday September 29, each student is to hand in a technical
describing how his or her team has partitioned the project into tasks
and has
assigned tasks to subteams, and how his or her subteam has allocated
work to individual subteam members.
You may not solve any of your tasks by modifying the robot's hardware;
you are allowed modify
only the robot's software. There is more than one way to implement most
part of your design project, you are to consider different alternative
designs and to explain why the designs decisions you made were the best
Some tasks that your team may consider useful include
- Move robot forward:
What makes this
one of the most difficult tasks is the robot might not move in a
line, which means that the robot might stray from the paths of avenues
and streets and get hopelessly lost. Your job is to either ensure
that the robot never strays from the grid, or ensure that the robot
its way back to the grid if it does stray. Keep
good records of your discussions about how to correct the robot when it
strays from the trail, so that you can include
them in your Design Report.
- Turn robot right, left:
For this task, you will need to determine
for how long to run each of the motorized wheels in order to turn the
90 degrees (as opposed to, say, 75 degrees). Because of the
of the motors, which can vary depending on the type of surface the
is travelling on, you will need to run some experiments to determine
long to run the motors. Keep good records
the data from these experiments, so that you can include them in your
Report. Warning: the motors may not be
the times you determine for turning the robot in one direction may not
be appropriate for turning the robot in the other direction.
- Detect ground colour:
Most tasks depend on the ground colour beneath the robot. For
example, the subteam responsible for moving the robot needs to know if
the robot is veering off the road. The subteam that is
responsible for
controlling the robot's actions on reaching an intersection needs to
decide whether to turn the robot left or
right, based on the intersection's colour. Thus, it is most
helpful if your program includes a
general detectGroundColour method, which can be used by multiple
methods. This is one of the most difficult tasks because the
light sensor
is imprecise and will report different values for the same colour (or
the same value for different colours!), depending
on how much light is reflecting off of the area being sensed. You
will need to run some experiments to determine the light sensors' value
ranges for each distinct tape colour. Keep
good records of the data from these experiments, so that you can
them in your Design Report.
- Calibrate light
sensor: You
may find it easier to accurately detect the ground colour beneath a
robot if, as part of your program, you take time to calibrate the
light-sensor readings (i.e., measure the light-sensor values for
before running the robot on the trail, and use the measured values,
rather than hard-coded values, when detecting ground colour).
Note that time to calibrate your light sensors will be included in your
robot's race time, so you'll need to be judicious in how/whether you
calibrate these values. Keep
good records of the data from calibration experiments and discussions,
so that you can include
them in your Design Report.
- Integrate code: In the end, the code from
the three subteams needs to be integrated into a single, coherent
program that controls a robot. Code integration is one of the most
time-consuming tasks of any software project. You can alleviate
some of this effort by deciding early in the project how your subteams'
tasks will fit together, by agreeing early on to method interfaces, and
by checking frequently
that all subteams adhere to these method interfaces. Your team
may choose to delegate this integration task to a subteam, or to
nominate a member of each subteam to be a member of a separate
integration team.
Your team will work with one robot throughout the term; this way, the
results from experiments that you run one week are more likely to
be true of your robot in subsequent weeks. As a team, you
coordinate and schedule each subteam's access with the Lego
Your subteam may need to share your Lego robot with another subteam,
in which case you will need to plan your scheduled time with the robot
You may not take any robot out of the
WEEF lab. All of your work on your robot must be
performed in the WEEF lab. We will try to find time outside of SE
101 lab hours for you to have access to your robot in the WEEF lab, but
we are constrained by your schedule and by the WEEF-lab schedule.
We expect you to do some work outside of the lab, using the Intellego simulator to test your
software. In fact, you will submit for marks a simulator version
of your team's robot software, and you will select representatives from
your team to demo your software in the simulator. In this
respect, this project resembles other software-engineering
projects, in which the software cannot always be tested in the
environment in which it will be used (e.g., aviation
software). The demo
presentation of your simulator code is worth 20% of your final-report
Software that you write for the simulator may need to be
modified to control your robot.
The Intellego simulator runs on Windows. Because the simulator
assumes that the user-provided classes will be located within the same
file tree as the simulator, you'll need to download into your engfile
account a personal copy of the simulator, rather than using a shared
executable. The SE 101 web site has a installation
file that tells you how to start the simulator.
Documentation on how to use the simulator is provided as on-line help
Demonstration and Race
Your simulation solution is due on November 10, which is the day before
robot demos are due in lab, and is in the week before your
final design report is due. We
will hold robot demonstrations in lab. We will set up a course
your robot to follow, and everyone's robots will be run through the
We will also hold a race for any team that is interested in pitting
robot against the other robots in the class.
Design Report
Each subteam writes and submits one
formal design report, describing
- The tasks that the subteam was responsible for
- The design decisions that the subteam made, and the design
the subteam ruled out and why
- The methods implemented and their signatures, as negotiated with
subteams; the report's appendix must include the code that the
- Any experiments the subteam ran, including the experiment's data
Write your report according to the template for the software-engineering
work-term reports.