M05: Structures

Hint: If possible, make your browser wide enough to place the slides and commentary side-by-side.

The slides on this page are not accessible (for screen readers, etc). The 1up and 3up slides are better.

Module Topics

  1. Compound data
  2. Formalities: Syntax and semantics
  3. Templates
  4. Nested Structures
  5. Mixed Data
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The idea of compound data has been around for a very long time. Our presentation of compound data in CS135 and the language we use to describe it is heavily influenced by Object-Oriented Programming, a programming paradigm you’ll learn more about in CS246 (typically a 2A course).

This module was completely rewritten for Fall 2024, so the commentary is still a little sparse :(

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Here’s an example of the substitution rules in action.

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We need to figure out the substitution rules for structures. This slide formalizes what we’ve said previously to prepare for the rules on the next slide.

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The define-struct is followed by a data definition that says what types each of the structure’s fields are expected to be. The data definition for a structure is of the form

;; A <type-name> is a (make-<sname> <type> ...)

where you fill in the parts between angle brackets. <sname> is the first argument to define-struct.

The relationship between the define-struct and its data definition is similar to a function and its contract. Just as you wouldn’t dream of writing a function without a contract, you shouldn’t have a structure definition without a data definition.

The data definition is just a comment, so it has no meaning to Racket. Therefore, Racket does not know what types we expect each field to have. It can’t check, for example, that the description is a string and that prices and available should be numbers.

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The fields are listed in the same order in the template as in the define-struct so a new structure can be easily constructed with them.

Students who have programmed in an imperative language will often ask how to change the contents of a field. The answer is that you don’t. You create a new structure with the same information except for the field(s) you want to change.

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