M11: Mutual Recursion

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Module Topics

  1. Mutual Recursion and Nats
  2. Mutual Recursion and Lists
  3. Mutual Recursion and Trees
Slide 000
Slide 001

f applies g and g applies f:

f applies g; g applies f f applies g; g applies f

Slide 002
Slide 003

Each of these definitions follows from the observations that an even number is one more than an odd number, and so on.

These functions are mutually recursive because is-even? applies is-odd? and is-odd? applies is-even?.

is-even applies is-odd; is-odd applies is-even is-even applies is-odd; is-odd applies is-even

This is the defining feature of mutual recursion.

There are lots of ways to write is-even?, most of which do not involve mutual recursion. Mutual recursion is obviously not required to solve this problem. But this solution does show, in just a few lines of code, what a typical mutually recursive solution looks like. When we get to general trees, mutual recursion will be a frequently used friend.

Slide 004

Need a hint? Return to where we first introduced mutual recursion in M09.

Slide 005
Slide 006

This was the missing piece in the aside on mergesort .

;; (mergesort lst) puts lst in increasing order
;; mergesort: (listof Num) -> (listof Num)
(define (mergesort lst)
  (cond [(empty? lst) empty]
        [(empty? (rest lst)) lst]
        [else (merge (mergesort (keep-alternates lst))
                     (mergesort (drop-alternates lst)))]))

;; Closed-box tests:
(check-expect (mergesort (list 4 7 3 0 1 9 5 2 6 8)) (list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
Slide 007

keep-alternates and drop-alternates are mutally recursive. Each one applies the other in classic mutual recursion style:

f applies g; g applies f f applies g; g applies f

Slide 008

This example is from the end of Module 10 .

We slipped in mutual recursion dressed as a helper function! eval applies eval-binode and eval-binode applies eval in classic mutual recursion style.

Slide 009
Slide 010

The template uses mutual recursion: binexp-template applies binode-template and binode-template applies binexp-template.

Slide 011
Slide 012